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发布时间:2018-07-27 12:21
【摘要】:2014年国新办举行高考改革新闻发布会,正式发布高考招生改革实施意见,其中英语实行一年两考,率先突破了“一考定终身”的传统高考制度。英语高考的改革,对学生来说,既是机遇,也是挑战。因为这样的高考模式,要求学生具备更强大的自主学习的能力,因为学生自主学习能力的强弱与其英语成绩直接相关。此外,高中阶段是培养学生学习方法、提升学生学习能力的关键时期。这一阶段好的学习方式的养成对学生的终身学习具有重要意义。而反思性学习是一种内在动力,它是指学生积极、主动地管理自己的每一个学习环节,运用反思策略达到理想学习效果的一种学习策略。反思性学习属于学生自主学习策略的一个方面,对学生自主学习能力的培养和成绩的提高具有重要意义。因此本文选取高中学生为研究对象,探索其反思性学习能力与其英语成绩的相关性。本文选取湖北省松滋市第一中学高一两个班的学生为调查对象,其中一个班为实验班,另外一个班为对照班,两个班由同一教师执教。本文采用定量和定性研究相结合的方法。定量研究采用的是Kember et al于1999年设计的测量学习者反思性能力的可操作性问卷,以及英语测试,定性研究包括访谈。在实验研究之前,本文首先对两个班学生进行了测试和问卷调查,了解其当前的反思性学习能力水平。前测之后,在任课教师的指导下,对实验班进行为期三个月的有意识的反思性学习能力的训练,即在课堂教学中有意识地向学生灌输反思意识,提供反思策略,而对照班则按照原来的学习方式学习,即教师单向灌输、学生被动接受的填鸭式教学方法。实验研究之后再对两个班的学生进行问卷调查和英语测试,并访谈从实验班随意抽取的10个学生,了解其反思性学习能力水平的变化情况。最后利用SPSS 15.0对问卷、测试数据进行处理分析。研究发现:1、经过实验,实验组的反思性学习能力明显高于对照组;2、经过实验,实验组的英语测试成绩相对于对照组来说有明显提高,这说明高中生反思性学习能力与其英语成绩成显著正相关关系;3、实验数据表明,高中生反思性学习能力的四个维度(习惯性行为、理解性行为、反思性行为和深沉反思性行为)与其英语成绩的相关性不完全一致。根据实验结果,作者分析了反思性学习能力的四个维度与学生英语成绩相关性不一致的原因,并在此基础上给学生和老师提出了建议,希望对高中英语教师的教学和高中生英语成绩的提高有所帮助。本研究包括七个部分。第一部分是前言部分,论述本研究的研究背景、目的和意义,以及论文结构。第二部分是文献综述,论述了反思性学习的定义和内容,总结和评述了当前反思性学习理论的国内外研究现状,并分析了研究趋势。第三部分是关于反思性学习的理论背景知识,即元认知策略和建构主义。第四部分介绍了研究目的、研究问题和假设,研究对象,研究过程和数据收集。第五部分收集了问卷、测试和访谈的数据,并进行了分析。第六部分分析了四个维度与学生英语成绩相关性不一致的原因,并给出了相关建议。第七部分为本研究的结论,阐述了研究发现,同时指出本研究的局限性和未来的研究趋势。
[Abstract]:In 2014, the national new office held a news conference on the reform of the college entrance examination, which formally issued the reform of the entrance examination of the college entrance examination, in which English was carried out two exams a year, and it was the first to break through the traditional college entrance examination system of "one test for life". The reform of English college entrance examination is both an opportunity and a challenge for students. The ability of self-learning is big, because the ability of students' self-learning ability is directly related to their English performance. In addition, the high school stage is the key period to cultivate students' learning methods and improve their learning ability. This stage of good learning is of great significance to the students' lifelong learning. In motivation, it refers to a learning strategy that students actively, actively manage their own learning links and use reflective strategies to achieve ideal learning effects. Reflective learning is one aspect of the students' autonomous learning strategy, which is of great significance to the cultivation of students' autonomous learning ability and the improvement of their achievements. In this paper, the students of one or two classes in the first middle school of Songzi City, Hubei Province, are selected as the subjects, one of which is the experimental class, the other is the control class and the two classes are taught by the same teacher. This paper combines quantitative and qualitative research. Methods. The quantitative study adopted a questionnaire on the operability of Kember et al in 1999, as well as the English test, and the qualitative research included interviews. Before the experimental study, the paper first tested and investigated two classes of students to solve the current reflective learning ability level. Then, under the guidance of the teacher, the training of the conscious reflective learning ability for the experimental class for three months is carried out, that is, to instill the reflective consciousness to the students consciously in the classroom teaching, and to provide the reflective strategy, while the control class is learning according to the original way of learning, that is, the teacher instilled one way and the students passively accepted the stuffing teaching. Methods. After the experimental study, the students of two classes were investigated and tested in English, and 10 students randomly selected from the experimental class were interviewed to understand the change of their reflective learning ability level. Finally, SPSS 15 was used to analyze the questionnaire and the test data were processed and analyzed. The study found that 1, after the experiment, the experimental group was reflective. The learning ability of the experiment group was significantly higher than that of the control group. 2, the results of English test in the experimental group were significantly higher than those of the control group, which indicated that the reflective learning ability of the high school students was positively related to their English performance. 3, the experimental data showed that the four dimensions of the reflective learning ability of the high school students (habitual behavior, understanding sexual behavior, According to the results of the experiment, the author analyses the reasons for the disagreement between the four dimensions of reflective learning ability and the students' English performance. On the basis of this, some suggestions are given to the students and teachers to teach high school English teachers and high school English teachers. This study includes seven parts. The first part includes the preface, the background of the study, the purpose and significance, and the structure of the paper. The second part is the literature review, the definition and content of reflective learning, and the summary and review of the current research on reflective learning at home and abroad. The third part is about the theoretical background knowledge of reflective learning, namely, metacognition strategy and constructivism. The fourth part introduces the purpose of the study, the research questions and hypotheses, the research object, the research process and the data collection. The fifth part collects the data of the questionnaire, test and interview, and analyzes the sixth parts. The reasons for the disagreement between the four dimensions and the students' English performance are analyzed and the relevant suggestions are given. The seventh part is the conclusion of this study, and the research findings are expounded, and the limitations of the study and the future research trend are also pointed out.


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