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发布时间:2018-08-01 09:46
[Abstract]:On the occasion of the first cryogenic cold storage of Bedford, the first person of the world, the cryopreservation of cryopreservation was made by Bedford, with a view to the future technology to defrost it and return this scientific idea and return to cryoschicologic research. In recent years, human cryogenics has been constantly introduced by medical research in the fields of cryogenic / nanoscale, in order to prevent freezing. The lower ice crystals damage the cell wall, and the cryogenic experts use antifreeze and organ preservative mixture to replace the blood supply in the body; another tip is to separate the head of the patient - even if the body can't resurrect, cryopreservation can still preserve the information of the memory of the human brain - which can be refrigerated at low temperatures in the future. The personal memory (thought / personality / behavior / skill, etc.) downloaded to the robot or human body to continue, open the door to feasibility. To the future, want to be the God of the ball God Jordan? Buffett? Want to continue their ball skills, money? That is to pay and download the memory of the elite memory memory.
【作者单位】: 东南大学外语学院;


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