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发布时间:2018-08-03 17:00
[Abstract]:Three-body is the work of hard science fiction writer Liu Cixin, whose words are precise and rigorous, imaginative fantasy is grand, humanistic concern and rational thinking are equally important. The novel was rated as raising Chinese science fiction to world standards. In 2014, Triple body was translated and published by Chinese-American sci-fi writer and translator Liu Yukun. As soon as the English translation was released, it won high praise from many science fiction writers and fans overseas, winning numerous nominations for international science fiction awards and winning the Hugo Award. This gratifying achievement can not be separated from the author's efforts, but also from the translator Liu Yukun's flexible translation strategy choice and his adaptation to the reading habits of English readers. Translation is a circular process in which the translator adapts and chooses. According to the theory of adaptation choice, the translator is the center of translation activities. In the translation ecological environment, the translation principle of "multi-dimensional adaptation and adaptive choice" is followed to obtain a translation with a high degree of integration adaptation. Based on the theory of translation adaptation choice, this paper makes a comprehensive and detailed analysis of adaptation and selection of the English translation of Triple body. First of all, from the perspective of the translator's adaptation, this paper focuses on which translation ecological factors and how the translator adapts in the process of translation. Then, from the perspective of the translator's choice, it reveals how and why the translator chooses the translation under the premise of adapting to the ecological environment of translation. Finally, this paper explores the relationship between the translator's adaptation and choice. The results of the study show that the English translation is the result of the translator's selective adaptation and adaptive selection, and has a high degree of integration adaptation. In the ecological environment of translation, the translator adapts to such factors as translation motivation, competence, source text, target language culture, readers and editors. On the basis of adaptation, the translator flexibly chooses the strategies of literal translation, free translation, supplement and annotation, and makes adaptive choices at three levels: linguistic dimension, cultural dimension and communicative dimension. In fact, the translator's adaptation and choice is a process of circular interaction. This paper proves that the theory of translation adaptation can explain and guide the translation of sci-fi literature. In addition, the discussion of successful cases of foreign translation is instructive and instructive for literature translation, especially science fiction translation.


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