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发布时间:2018-08-06 15:40
【摘要】:本论文是一篇翻译实践报告,所译原文选自美国记者和作家埃文·托马斯的作品——《成为尼克松》(Being Nixon)。原文本属于人物传记,其中报告所涉及到的是第十一章和第十二章,主要讲述了尼克松竞选总统的过程,通过心理活动、肢体动作和语言表达等方面的描写,把尼克松竞选总统过程时的焦虑不安和竞选成功后欣喜若狂的细节刻画的淋漓尽致。本翻译实践报告主要分为四个部分:第一部分任务描述,包括翻译文本的来源和选择,作家、作品简介及选题意义。第二部分为主要理论依据和应用,这一部分笔者主要依据尤金·奈达的功能对等理论,并依据该理论确定相应的翻译策略。第三部分为翻译过程描述,包括译前准备,及翻译中的问题和译例分析,该小节主要对背景知识的处理、人名、地名的处理、汉语四字格的运用和长难句的翻译进行探讨。其中在背景知识处理这一部分,笔者主要使用了文化补偿手段减少受众的阅读困难,主要使用添加脚注、文内注和文内解释等三方面对原文中出现的专有名词以及有年代感和距离感的词汇用合适的方式予以解释;其次在处理人名、地名这一部分,笔者则使用约定俗成、语法问题和同词异义加以分析,帮助译文读者更清楚明白地理解文章。第四部分为全文总结,包括心得体会和尚待解决的问题。通过分析人物传记翻译,笔者遵循的原则是:将直译作为第一选择,能直译则直译,不能直译则意译,力争使受众从译本中接受的效果和原语读者从原文本中接受的效果基本相同。
[Abstract]:This thesis is a translation practice report from American journalist and writer Evan Thomas' work "Nixon." (Being Nixon). The original text belongs to a biography of people, in which the report deals with chapters 11 and 12, mainly about Nixon's presidential campaign, through psychological activities, body movements and verbal expressions, etc. The anxiety of Nixon's presidential campaign and the ecstatic details of his success are vividly portrayed. The translation practice report is divided into four parts: the first part is the description of the task, including the source and choice of the translated text, the author, the introduction of the work and the significance of the selected topic. The second part is the main theoretical basis and application, which is based on Eugene Nida's functional equivalence theory and the corresponding translation strategies. The third part is the description of translation process, including pre-translation preparation, translation problems and examples. This section mainly discusses the processing of background knowledge, names, place names, the use of four characters in Chinese and the translation of long and difficult sentences. In the background knowledge processing part, the author mainly uses the cultural compensation method to reduce the audience reading difficulty, mainly uses to add the footnote, The proper nouns appearing in the original text and the words with sense of age and distance are interpreted in the proper way from the three aspects of the notes and explanations of the text. Secondly, in dealing with the part of people's names and place names, the author uses common usage. Grammatical problems and synonyms are analyzed to help the target readers to understand the text more clearly. The fourth part is a summary of the full text, including experience and understanding of the problems to be solved. Through the analysis of biographical translation, the author follows the following principles: literal translation is the first choice, literal translation is literal translation, and literal translation is free translation. The author tries to make the audience receive the same effect from the original text as the original text.


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3 曹明伦;谈谈译文的注释[J];中国翻译;2005年01期

4 柯平;;加注和增益——谈变通和补偿手段[J];中国翻译;1991年01期




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