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发布时间:2018-08-06 18:42
【摘要】:世纪之初,教育部颁布了《关于积极推进小学开设英语课程的指导意见》(2001a)要求全国所有小学开设英语课程。Shawer (2010)指出课程改革成败与否取决于课程的开发者、设计者和传播者-教师。如果没有一大称职教师来落实教学,课程政策和课堂现实之间必然会出现严重脱节。小学英语新课程施以来,小学英语教师的数量有了显著增加。然而,小学英语教师的质量和专业化水平仍然不能满足不断发展的课程教学需要。教师教学信念与教学改革目标的契合度是任何教育创新获得成功的前提保障(Ruedaand Garcia, 1994;Fives,2003;Andersonetal.,1991)。Stern (1983)指出教学是一种即兴行为。近年来,教学是思维活动的观念日渐影响教师教育领域的改革发展。外语教师教育逐步聚焦教师对其自身教学实践的概念化过程和教师教学实践背后的思考决策过程。Borg (2003:81)指出教师是积极思考着的决策者,教师的指导行为植根于以实践为导向的复杂的个人化和情景化的知识、思想和信念体系。从这个角度来看,外语教师教育并不是线性的由离散阶段构成的“方法-目的”之过程,而是教师教学信念和教学效能感自我发展与进化的过程。如果说教师的教学信念是其对教学行为的构想,那么教学效能感则是其教学投入的动力。教学信念和教学推理能力应成为小学英语教师专业化发展的聚焦点。社会文化理论认为教师教学信念源于专门的高度情景化与社会化的意义构建活动。认知理论则强调作为意义生产者和问题解决者的学者在学习情境中的作用以及真实的教学情境对学会教学的重要性。本研究结合上述两种理论,立足教师信念的情境性和对话性,从社会认知视域重构中国小学英语教师教学信念和自我效能感结构。教学信念包括6个维度:关于学习和学习者的信念、关于教的信念、关于如何组织课堂的信念、关于如何培养语言技能的信念、关于如何帮助学生的信念和关于教师专业发展的信念;教学效能感包括8个范畴:英语语言知识和语言使用能力、英语学科知识、教学认知能力、教学设计能力、教学执行能力,教学评价和反思能力、教学研究能力和人文素养。相对已有建构而言,研究者建构的教学信念和效能感结构及其因素对新课程环境中中国小学英语教师来说更具有针对性和操作性。研究者以此重构框架为指导,就个人背景和职业环境因素、教师信念持有状况、教学效能感强度及其对目前职业问题的认识信念四个方面的内容自编问卷,对江苏全省教师开展了大规模的在线调查。调查旨在解答如下三个问题:1.哪些个人背景和职业环境因素与小学英语教师的教学信念和教学效能感存在关联? 2.教学信念和教学效能感各自内部因素和两者整体之间存在显著关联吗? 3.小学英语教师对其职业中所存在的问题及其对策的认识和信念是什么?调查研究取得了如下发现:1.除了职称和上课频率因素外,其它不同个人背景和职业环境的教师在教学信念整体合理度方面存在显著差异;除了性别、最后学历、关键期认识、在职学习态度、职业关注点和对教师教育影响因素观点外,其它不同个人背景和职业环境教师在教学效能感的整体强度上也存在显著差异。不同个人背景和职业环境教师在教师信念和教学效能感大部分维度或范畴方面存在显著差异。这些差异反映出当下小学英语教师教育应该针对性地聚焦下述方面:教学评价和反思、教学研究,人文素养、如何帮助学生、如何理解教、如何组织课堂活动和如何培养语言技能;同时反映出小学英语教师教师教育应该采用相同背景老师形成研修团队的分类培训模式。2.教学信念和教学效能感之间存在整体间的显著相关和各自内部大部分变量间的显著相关。语言知识技能和专业知识水平与关于学习和学生的信念和关于如何教的信念之间并不存在显著关联。因此,合格的英语教师既要有过硬的学科知识基础又要有充足的英语教学理论知识。3.小学英语在教师专业资质和教学环境两方面都较以往有所改观。老师们认同新课程的主要观念,普遍性地重视语言技能、语言使用、学习策略、情感态度以及文化意识,趋同性地认识到作为语言输入主要途径的广泛阅读、高质量教学资源、最优化教学环境和教师专业化发展的重要性和急迫性。然而,他们重视英语口语而低估语言知识的作用,把职业问题更多归咎于外部环境因素,而没有把它们与教师教学信念和教学效能驱动下的教与学之间的对话与互动联系起来,重构资源环境的态度也剖为被动。上述发现一定程度上解释了小学英语教师的群体性职业焦虑和职业倦怠状况。在上述研究基础上,本研究尝试建构了课程改革背景下我国小学英语教师发展的融合式模式。该模式鼓励职前教育和职后培训的一体化,专业环境、教师发展项目和教师认知的联动,大学、小学和发展中教师的联动,书本理论、教学实践和教学信念与效能感的联动以及教学信念与效能感、教师决策和教学指导行为的联动。小学英语教师发展应该减少从上而下的规约式指导,采用发现式和探究式活动帮助老师们螺旋式地形成基于中国小学英语课程实情的教师信念和教学效能感。
[Abstract]:At the beginning of the century, the Ministry of Education issued < directive > (2001a) on actively promoting English courses in primary schools. (2001a) required all primary schools to open English courses in the country.Shawer (2010) point out that the success or failure of the curriculum reform depends on the developers, designers and teachers of the curriculum. The number of primary school English teachers has increased significantly. However, the quality and professional level of primary school English teachers still can not meet the needs of the continuous development of curriculum teaching. The agreement between teachers' teaching beliefs and teaching reform aims is any education. The premise of new success (Ruedaand Garcia, 1994; Fives, 2003; Andersonetal., 1991).Stern (1983) indicates that teaching is a kind of impromptu behavior. In recent years, the concept of teaching is thinking activity has increasingly influenced the reform and development of teacher education. The thinking behind the teacher's teaching practice.Borg (2003:81) points out that the teacher is a positive thinking decision maker, the teacher's guiding behavior is rooted in the practice oriented complex individualized and situational knowledge, thought and belief system. From this point of view, the foreign language teacher education is not linear by the discrete phase. The process of "method purpose" is the process of self development and evolution of teachers' teaching beliefs and teaching efficacy. If teachers' teaching beliefs are their conception of teaching behavior, the sense of teaching efficacy is the motive force of their teaching input. Teaching belief and teaching reasoning ability should be the focus of the professional development of primary school English teachers. Social culture theory holds that teachers' teaching beliefs are derived from special highly situational and socialized meaning construction activities. Cognitive theory emphasizes the role of scholars as meaning producers and problem solvers in the learning situation and the importance of real teaching situation to the learning of learning. The situational and conversational nature of the teachers' beliefs reconstructs the teaching belief and self-efficacy structure of Chinese primary school English teachers from the perspective of social cognition. Teaching beliefs include 6 dimensions: beliefs about learning and learners, beliefs about teaching, beliefs about how to organize classes, beliefs about how to develop language skills, and how to help. The belief in helping students and the belief in teacher professional development; teaching efficacy includes 8 categories: English language knowledge and language use, knowledge of English, teaching cognitive ability, teaching design ability, teaching execution ability, teaching evaluation and reflection ability, teaching research ability and humanistic quality. Relative to existing construction, researchers are concerned. The constructivist teaching belief and efficacy structure and its factors are more pertinent and operational to Chinese primary school English teachers in the new curriculum environment. The researcher takes this framework as the guidance for individual background and occupational environment factors, teachers' belief holding status, teaching efficacy intensity and their understanding of the current career problems four A large scale online survey was carried out for teachers in Jiangsu province. The survey aims to answer the following three questions: 1. which personal background and occupational environmental factors are related to the teaching beliefs and teaching efficacy of primary school English teachers? 2. the internal factors of teaching belief and the sense of teaching efficacy, and the two as a whole Is there a significant correlation between the 3. primary school English teachers' understanding and belief in the problems and Their Countermeasures in their careers? The findings are as follows: 1. there are significant differences in the overall rationality of the teaching beliefs among the teachers of the other individual backgrounds and the professional environment, except for the title and the frequency of the class. In addition to gender, final educational background, critical period awareness, job learning attitude, career attention and influence factors on teacher education, there are significant differences in the overall intensity of teaching efficacy of other individual backgrounds and professional environment teachers. Teachers with different personal backgrounds and vocational environment have a large sense of teacher belief and teaching efficacy. There are significant differences in dimension or category. These differences reflect that primary school English teacher education should focus on the following aspects: teaching evaluation and reflection, teaching research, humanistic quality, how to help students, how to understand teaching, how to organize classroom activities and how to cultivate language skills; and also reflect the teachers of primary school English. Teachers' education should adopt the same background teachers to form the classification training model of the training team. There is a significant correlation between the.2. teaching belief and the sense of teaching efficacy and the significant correlation between the majority of the internal variables. Language knowledge skills and professional knowledge level and beliefs about learning and students and the beliefs about how to teach. There is no significant correlation between them. Therefore, qualified English teachers should have excellent academic knowledge base and sufficient knowledge of English teaching theory..3. primary English is better than the previous two aspects of teachers' professional qualifications and teaching environment. Teachers agree on the main idea of the new curriculum and pay attention to language skills and language universally. Use, learning strategies, emotional attitudes, and cultural awareness, to recognize the importance and urgency of extensive reading as the main approach to language input, the quality of teaching resources, the optimization of teaching environment and the development of teachers' professionalism. However, they attach importance to oral English and underestimate the role of language knowledge and blame more professional problems. The external environment factors are not linked to the dialogue and interaction between teaching and learning driven by teachers' teaching beliefs and teaching effectiveness. The attitude of reconstructing the resource environment is also passive. The above findings explain the group occupational anxiety and job burnout of primary school English teachers. This study attempts to construct a fusion model for the development of primary English teachers in China under the background of curriculum reform. This model encourages the integration of pre service and post vocational training, professional environment, linkage between teachers' development projects and teachers' cognition, linkage of teachers in universities, primary and development, book theory, teaching practice and teaching beliefs and effectiveness. The linkage of sense, teaching belief and efficacy, the linkage of teacher's decision-making and teaching guidance. The development of primary school English teachers should reduce the regular guidance from the top to bottom, and use discovery and inquiry activities to help teachers form the teachers' belief and teaching efficacy based on the actual situation of Chinese primary English curriculum.




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