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发布时间:2018-08-07 11:55
[Abstract]:In this thesis, the translation effect of Wolf Totem is studied from the perspective of the core theory of translatology and the "5W" model of communication. Translation and introduction, which is a complex cultural communication activity, has gone far beyond the literal scope of the two languages. Studying the overseas translation of Wolf Totem from the perspective of translatology theory will help to better understand the essence of translation research. The "5W" mode of communication contains five questions: "who?", "what did you say?" and "through what channels?" "to whom?" what effect? " The model fully describes the whole process of communication and can be well applied to the study of translation and communication to help us to explore the various links and elements in the process of translation and communication in a more comprehensive and systematic way. This paper is divided into four parts. The first part is a literature review on the translation of Chinese literature and the study of wolf totem. The second part gives a detailed introduction and analysis of the translation theory and the "5W" mode of communication, and further expounds how these two theories can guide the study of translation and introduction of literary works. The third part investigates the translation effect of Wolf Totem in the English world, mainly from two dimensions: "hard" effect and "soft" effect. In the investigation of "hard" effect, the following six aspects are involved: English copyright export, global library collection, international awards, mainstream western media reports, overseas film dissemination, world bestseller ranking and overseas readers' acceptance; The effect of "soft" mainly collects and analyzes a large number of overseas book reviews, respectively from professional readers and ordinary readers. It intuitively analyzes how the English version of Wolf Totem affects the overseas readers and in what aspects. The fourth part uses the frame of "5W" to analyze the reasons behind the translation effect of "Wolf Totem" and the experience of translation and introduction of Chinese literature. According to the investigation data and analysis results, Wolf Totem has made outstanding achievements in the overseas translation and introduction of Chinese literature, and has achieved good results in many aspects, such as economy, culture and spirit. This paper analyzes the reasons why Wolf Totem has achieved good results from five aspects: the subject, the content, the way, the audience and the effect of translation. From these five aspects, the author puts forward some relevant suggestions to other Chinese literature, in order to make the translation experience of Wolf Totem create greater value and play a role of "model".


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