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发布时间:2018-08-21 12:30
[Abstract]:In translation practice, translators often encounter the problem of translation back. Compared with general translation, back-translation involves different cultural backgrounds and traditional customs between the two languages. Therefore, it has a high requirement on the translator's cultural accumulation and translation level. Translation and interpretation of Chinese philosophy is a difficult point in translation. "Translation and interpretation of Chinese philosophy" is an article on Chinese philosophy written by American sinologist Mr. Rothman. This article is not only concerned with Chinese traditional culture, but also involves Chinese traditional culture from the perspective of Western scholars. Classic bibliography and some Chinese cultural concept words, but also many names of Western Sinologists and their Sinology works. Therefore, the author chooses the first chapter of this paper as the translation material, mainly adopts the translation strategy of the back translation, and probes into the application of the strategy and the problems that need to be paid attention to. There are a lot of researches on back translation, of which it is an important theory to use it as a translation strategy. However, we should pay attention to some problems in applying this translation strategy. This paper first reviews the literature and defines the translation as a translation strategy, and then, according to the characteristics of the original text, classifies the back translation into three categories: proper nouns, citation documents and cultural concept words. Finally, the author draws a conclusion that the key words should be searched in order to ensure the accuracy of the translation of proper nouns, and that in the process of back translation of cited documents, the key words should be searched to ensure the accuracy of the translation of proper nouns. In order to enrich the cultural connotation of Chinese, the translator should comprehensively analyze the different understanding of the same document and translate it back into different versions of the same text, and in the process of translating cultural concept words, the translator should look for the corresponding source language in Chinese. Refer to conventional Chinese expressions or idioms.


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