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发布时间:2018-08-22 15:07
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of foreign trade, business English has been paid more and more attention by the society, and the importance of business English translation has become increasingly prominent. In order to train the corresponding talents, colleges and universities have set up the course of business English translation. Based on the core journals of foreign languages, the journals of famous foreign language universities and the papers collected from major domestic conferences, this paper makes an empirical analysis of the present situation of the translation studies of business English in China from the perspectives of linguistic theory, cross-cultural communication and rhetorical style, respectively, from the perspectives of linguistic theory, cross-cultural communication and rhetorical style. The present situation and trend of business English translation studies in China are summarized, and the achievements and shortcomings of the research in this field are pointed out as well as the specific countermeasures.
【作者单位】: 西北农林科技大学外语系;


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