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发布时间:2018-08-25 18:26
[Abstract]:The new curriculum reform requires English teachers to be student-centered and student-oriented in classroom teaching. Questioning is an important part of teaching. Classroom questioning can keep students' attention, stimulate their interest and enhance the interaction between teachers and students. At present, the research direction of classroom questioning mainly focuses on the concept of questioning, the strategy of questioning, the classification of questions, the function of questioning, and the standard of effective questioning. In addition, there are few comparative studies on senior English teachers and novice English teachers in high school classroom questioning, and male English teachers and female English teachers in high school classroom questioning. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the classroom questioning of senior high school English teachers. The author selects a male English teacher, a female English teacher, a novice male English teacher, a novice female English teacher and 200 randomly selected senior high school students in Taiyuan No. 5 Experimental Middle School. The paper aims to answer the following question: 1. What is the present situation of English teachers' classroom questioning in senior high school? How do senior English teachers and novice English teachers do in terms of question type, waiting time and classroom feedback? What gender differences do high school English teachers have in terms of question type, waiting time and classroom feedback? Based on the questionnaire survey of 200 randomly selected students and the classroom observation and interview of 4 teachers, the present study draws the following conclusions. First, the English teachers in senior high school do not have obvious effect on the students' questions. They prefer the question presentation, the distribution and the way of questioning are not reasonable, the waiting time is not long enough, and the feedback is not appropriate. Second, senior English teachers ask more reference questions, wait longer and use more positive feedback than senior English novice English teachers. And high school English proficiency teachers and high school English novice teachers like to assign students to answer questions. Thirdly, compared with female high school English teachers, female English teachers ask more questions, wait longer and use more positive feedback. And high school English male teachers and high school English female teachers like to assign students to answer questions. Finally, the author puts forward some suggestions: pay attention to the quality of the questions raised, the questions should be easily understood by students, ask students more reference questions, ask all the students fairly, and prolong the waiting time. Use a more meaningful form of feedback for students, and ask questions after class.


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