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发布时间:2018-08-31 18:12
[Abstract]:The Manifesto of the Communist Party is a classic Marxist work co-authored by Marx and Engels. The scientific truth it reveals has had a profound impact on the course of world history. Since its publication, it has been translated into more than 120 languages and more than 1000 versions worldwide. In China, it has more than 20 Chinese translations. Its thought brought profound influence to Chinese revolution and construction. Many scholars have studied its dissemination and significance, the course of its translation, the early translation, the textual research of its Chinese full translation, its translation words and sentences, but few people have studied its Chinese translation. The theory of multivariate systems refers to a multi-level collection of interrelated factors. It holds that various social symbolic phenomena (such as language, literature, culture, society, etc.) should be regarded as heterogeneous, open and dynamic systems, rather than a mixture of disparate elements. The behavior pattern of a system is sometimes related to its position in a multivariate system. Ideology, right, economy and other sociocultural factors in the target language system affect translation results. The pluralistic system puts translation under a broad cultural background, which provides a macro and descriptive perspective for translation studies and has a positive and far-reaching impact on translation studies. Based on the theory of multiple systems, this paper makes a comparative study of the two Chinese versions of the Communist Manifesto-Chen Wangdao and the version of the Bureau of compilation of the CPC Central Committee (2014) at the framework, lexical and syntactic levels. Through a comparative study, the author finds out the factors that affect the translation of the Manifesto of the Communist Party and the different translation strategies adopted by the translator in order to broaden the scope of the study of the Manifesto of the Communist Party. The results show that social, cultural, ideological and patronage factors affect the translation of the Communist Manifesto in different periods, including typography, annotations, and the translation of words and sentences. Chen Wangdao's translation mainly adopts the strategy of domestication, while the translation of the Bureau of the CPC Central Committee mainly adopts the strategy of foreignization. It is hoped that this study will help the translation study of the Communist Manifesto and promote the translation of political texts.


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