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发布时间:2018-09-01 15:48
[Abstract]:Under the background of informationization, industrialization and globalization, business translation plays a role as a booster in promoting international exchanges and cooperation and promoting the common development of the global social economy. Securities and Exchange Commission stipulates that listed companies must submit their annual financial statements to shareholders, including company profiles, operating conditions, board of directors, assets, liabilities and cash flows. As a translation project, there are three main reasons: firstly, stylistically speaking, this paper belongs to the typical non-literary translation, which has a strong practicality and purpose. Therefore, translating this text can further improve the author's translation ability. Secondly, although the annual report of the company is a business text, it covers a wide range of contents, including Finance, computer science and technology, financial accounting and other professional information, focusing on the transmission of information. This paper attempts to make a preliminary study and exploration of translation methods and strategies based on the peculiarities of this kind of texts in terms of style and diction. The characteristics of business texts include accuracy, conciseness, clarity and objectivity. The C-E translation of business texts should preserve these features in the translation. This requires the author to follow the principles of faithfulness, fluency and accuracy in the translation process. In the first chapter, the author gives a general introduction to the history of business activities and the purpose and significance of translation practice. In the second chapter, the author describes the process of translation work. Using authoritative paper dictionaries and referring to their English-English and English-Chinese definitions, the author has a deeper and comprehensive understanding of polysemy, professional vocabulary, proper nouns, and the Chinese interpretation of obscure words. According to the characteristics of the text, the strategy of combining theory with practice, the guidance of the tutor, and the expression of vocabulary and sentences after reading the translated materials, this paper aims at the problem of expression of vocabulary and sentences. Therefore, in the third chapter of this paper, the author focuses on the specific methods of operation. First of all, for the treatment of professional terms in the annual report, the author confirms whether there are any special English terms by looking up professional books. In the annual report, long sentences often appear, and the author confirms the subject-predicate of the sentence and divides the structure level by judging the meaning group. With the help of translation techniques, the author can achieve accurate translation of sentences. For non-subject sentences, the author adopts two methods to deal with even the passive voice or consult the meaning of the original sentence of a professional to judge the true subject. In the process of translation, the author must analyze and interpret the source text carefully and objectively in keeping with the purpose of translation and the reader's situation. Translate.


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