[Abstract]:Northeast Sichuan Project (CDB) is a joint venture between Chevron and PetroChina, with an independent electrical department. Chevron is an American comprehensive energy company and one of the pioneers of standard oil. PetroChina is a comprehensive international energy company. The translator served as the Department of Electricity for the CDB project from July 2015 to February 2017. This report consists of four parts. First, it introduces the task and background of interpretation. Then it summarizes the contents of preparation before interpretation - Electrical vocabulary, Indian and American pronunciation, electrical workflow and safety knowledge. The problems of conference interpretation, such as long interpreting time, lack of electrical expertise and interference of juxtaposed words, are analyzed, interpreted and summarized respectively. The principle of sentence-in-line driving is to divide the source language into semantic groups and reorganize it in the target language. The principle of sentence-in-line driving can be summed up as follows: sentence breaking, segmentation, waiting, adjustment, displacement, addition and deletion. The case analysis covers the entire power sector - overhead lines, terminal poles, switchgear, UPS, fuses, capacitor cabinets, etc. Finally, customer feedback, self-evaluation and suggestions for future learning are summarized. This report provides a reference for electrical interpretation, and its case analysis provides a reference for electronic interpreters to deal with similar situations. In order to become a more professional electrical interpreter, the interpreter needs to learn more about relaying to improve his interpretation ability. In addition, the interpreter needs to further improve his basic interpretation skills through training and practice.
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