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发布时间:2018-09-09 19:09
[Abstract]:This thesis is a translation practice report translated by American writer Ellie Condi's Youth Literature lost in Summer. The novel, aimed at young readers, focuses on the summer vacation life of 12-year-old Sheda. After her father and brother died in a car accident, Sheda and her family moved to Eunclique for the summer, and she met a special boy, Leon. Curious, Hilda followed Lyon to the town's lost Summer Theatre and participated in the annual Shakespeare Festival. In a series of adventures, she regained the meaning of life and gradually recovered from the loss of her father and brother. Since its release, the book has scored four and a half stars on Amazon. com (top five stars). The storyline is gripping, and readers have commented on it as a sad and interesting piece of heart-warming. This thesis is completed under the guidance of Skopos Theory. Skopos theory was first put forward by German translator Hans Vermeer. Vermeer believes that the expected purpose of the translation will determine the method and strategy to be adopted in the process of translation, so the primary focus of his theory is the expected purpose of the translation. Based on this, this paper explores the translation of lost in Summer in lexical and syntactic aspects as well as the treatment of cultural differences. This paper involves three major parts, namely, introduction, text and conclusion. The main contents are as follows: the first part is an introduction, mainly introduces the significance and structure of this paper. The second part is the text, which is divided into three chapters, which is the main part of this paper. The first chapter mainly introduces the works and authors, as well as the characteristics of juvenile literature. Chapter two mainly introduces the formation and development of Skopos theory and its guidance to translation practice. The third chapter is a case study. Under the guidance of Skopos theory, the author analyzes the key points and difficulties of the translation, and puts forward some translation techniques and strategies for juvenile literary works. The third part is the conclusion, which summarizes the significance of Skopos theory to the translation practice, and the author's experience and experience in the whole process of translation practice. Under the guidance of Skopos Theory, the translator tries to translate the book in a language which is close to the language style of the original text and conforms to the thinking habits of the domestic young readers from the perspective of the youth. It enables readers to understand the author's intention to express and convey the meaning of the original by reading the translation.


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6 张t,




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