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发布时间:2018-09-12 05:27
[Abstract]:China has always attached great importance to the development of education. With the progress of the times, society has put forward higher requirements for education. As the subject of teaching and educating people, teachers are closely related to the prosperity of education and the development of the country. Our country is carrying out the educational reform vigorously now, advocating exploring the educational idea with Chinese characteristics, at the same time, we should strengthen the international exchange and study the advanced educational thought of foreign countries. Under this background, the author chooses the educational text to translate, introduces the foreign education reform and the teacher development experience, hopes to have the reference and the enlightenment function to our country education reform, in order to promote our country education development. The original text of this translation project, teacher of mind, belongs to a series of books on school reform, published by Columbia University Teachers College Press. The authors are Dennis Shelley, a professor at Boston University who specializes in theoretical research, and Elizabeth McDonald, who has extensive experience in teaching. The book is a book about teaching, focusing on the professional development of teachers. The author has translated the fourth chapter of this book, "the seven synergistic effects of teaching by heart", the fifth chapter, "the leadership of the teacher with heart" and the chapter six, "the teacher of heart and science and technology". The fourth chapter, "the seven synergetic effects of attentional teaching", provides suggestions for teachers to carry out relevant practice, expounds the qualities teachers should possess and instructs teachers to improve. Chapter five, "teacher leadership by heart", focuses on improving teachers' leadership ability and clarifying the role of teachers in educational reform. The sixth chapter "the teacher and the science with heart" instructs the teacher to seek the balance in the science and technology and the education, teaches the student not to abuse the science and technology and the network, helps the student to establish the correct science and technology view. Translation cavity is an important factor affecting translation quality. It is usually stiff, obscure and even hinders the reader's understanding of information, resulting in a serious decline in the communicative function of the target text. Therefore, how to eliminate the translation cavity and make the translation more smooth is a difficult point in the process of English and Chinese translation, and also the starting point of this translation report and the main problem to be considered. Based on Nida's functional equivalence theory, this report introduces the concept, expression, causes and harm of translation cavity, and discusses the countermeasures of eliminating translation cavity from three aspects: vocabulary, sentence and text, in order to achieve functional equivalence. By comparing the original translation with the modified translation, the author illustrates the actual performance of the translation cavity and the detailed strategies to eliminate the translation cavity. At the lexical level, translation strategies include the determination of word meaning, the conversion of parts of speech, the addition of words, the omission of words and the combination of words. At sentence level, the translation strategies are split method, voice conversion method, the translation of inanimate subjects and the translation of inserts. On the other hand, reference, ellipsis, substitution, connection and lexical cohesion are used in cohesion and coherence. By using these translation strategies, the translated text is more suitable for Chinese expression, and the sentence is more smooth and smooth, which effectively eliminates the translation cavity. It is hoped that this paper can provide some references for the elimination of the translation cavity in the translation of social sciences.


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