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发布时间:2018-09-17 17:57
【摘要】:本文为英译汉实践报告。本次报告选材来自于埃斯佩兰萨·贝尔萨(Esperanca Bielsa)与苏珊·巴斯内特(Susan Bassnett)合著的《国际新闻翻译》(Translation in Global News)中的第七章《翻译与信任》。本章通过英国戴安娜王妃车祸殒命和伊拉克前总统萨达姆出庭受审这两起重大新闻的相关报道为例,阐述了新闻及其翻译的真实性问题。在功能对等理论,归化为主异化为辅的翻译策略指导下,本章被译成了中文。这有利于国内相关学者对全球化语境下国际新闻翻译的理解,并且对新闻翻译的理论研究和业务实践具有借鉴作用。并且缓解目前国内有关国际新闻翻译理论书籍比较欠缺的困境,使国内读者了解了国际新闻翻译的理论,并且填补了国内相关研究领域的空白。本报告阐述了翻译项目的文本特点、项目流程以及理论框架,并且通过案例分析,作者发现确定翻译目的,明确原文本的词语用法句式特点,以及中英文用词造句之间的差异可以使译者避免受原文句式的局限,有利于得出流畅明了的译文。最后,本文总结了翻译的过程,指出了翻译中的不足以及局限,为今后的翻译实践与研究奠定了基础。
[Abstract]:This paper is a practical report on English-Chinese translation. This report is selected from Esperanza Belsa (Esperanca Bielsa) and Susan Basnet (Susan Bassnett) 's translation of international news, chapter 7 of (Translation in Global News), Translation and Trust. This chapter illustrates the authenticity of the news and its translation through the related reports of the death of Princess Diana and the trial of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. Under the guidance of functional equivalence theory, domestication is supplemented by foreignization, this chapter is translated into Chinese. This is beneficial to domestic scholars' understanding of international news translation in the context of globalization and can be used for reference in the theoretical research and business practice of news translation. At the same time, the domestic readers understand the theory of international news translation and fill the gaps in the domestic research field. This report describes the text characteristics, project process and theoretical framework of the translation project. Through the case study, the author finds that the purpose of the translation is determined and the characteristics of the words and phrases used in the original text are clearly defined. The differences between Chinese and English words and sentences can avoid the limitation of the sentence structure of the original text and help to get a smooth and clear translation. Finally, this paper summarizes the process of translation, points out the shortcomings and limitations of translation, and lays a foundation for future translation practice and research.


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