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发布时间:2018-09-19 12:45
【摘要】:随着外语教学从“以教师为中心”转向“以学生为中心”,随着人本主义心理学的兴起与发展,研究者发现学习者的情感因素是影响外语学习效率的重要因素,而且这些因素之间密切相关。焦虑和自我效能感是其中影响较大的两种情感因素,并分别被大量研究。然而,综合几十年的研究发现,研究者对两个因素之间相关性的研究成果并不多见,而对网络环境下英语学习焦虑、自我效能感与英语学业成就的相关性研究更是薄弱。教育部于2007年颁布了《大学英语课程教学要求》,促使外语教学的教学模式逐渐转变为以学生为主体的、以信息技术和网络为辅助的自主学习。为进一步了解情感因素对中国高校非英语专业大学生网络英语自主学习的影响,本文以问卷调查和访谈为手段,考察了网络环境下非英语专业大学生的英语学习焦虑和自我效能感的现状,并进一步研究了英语学习焦虑、自我效能感与英语学业成就之间的关系。本研究对西北农林科技大学300名非英语专业本科生进行了问卷调查,随后对其中20名大学生进行了访谈。调查问卷包括网络环境下英语学习焦虑量表(NELAS)和自我效能感量表(NELSES)两部分。网络环境下英语学习焦虑量表(NELAS)采用由熊苏春(2012)改编自外语课堂焦虑量表(Horwitz 1986)的一份量表,网络环境下英语学习自我效能感量表(NELSES)则是在谢幼如等(2011)的大学生网络学习自我效能感量表的基础上进行修改而研制的。访谈作为本研究的辅助工具,主要针对问卷项目。研究结果表明:(1)网络环境下非英语专业大学生的英语学习焦虑处于较低水平;大学生个体差异对焦虑有显著影响,农村学生的焦虑水平高于城镇学生,中学无网络学习经验学生的焦虑水平高于有网络学习经验的,男生和女生的网络英语学习焦虑水平无显著差异;网络环境下英语学习焦虑与英语学业成绩呈负相关;(2)网络环境下非英语专业大学生的英语学习自我效能感处于中上水平;大学生个体差异对自我效能感有显著影响,城镇学生的自我效能感水平高于农村学生,中学有网络学习经验学生的自我效能感水平高于中学无网络学习经验的,男生和女生的网络英语学习自我效能感水平无显著差异;网络环境下英语学习自我效能感与英语学业成绩呈正相关;(3)网络环境下非英语专业大学生的英语学习焦虑与自我效能感呈负相关。根据研究结果,本研究为减少网络环境下英语学习焦虑、提高自我效能感提出了五点建议:(1)建立良好的师生关系;(2)引导学生对成败进行正确归因,制定合理的网络英语学习目标;(3)运用合作学习方式;(4)构建科学合理的网络英语学习评估体系;(5)注重网络英语学习策略的培养。
[Abstract]:With the change of foreign language teaching from "teacher-centered" to "student-centered" and the rise and development of humanistic psychology, researchers find that learners' affective factors are the important factors affecting the efficiency of foreign language learning. And these factors are closely related. Anxiety and self-efficacy are two kinds of affective factors, which have been studied. However, after several decades of research, it is found that the research results of the correlation between the two factors are rare, and the correlation between English learning anxiety, self-efficacy and English academic achievement is even weaker in the network environment. In 2007, the Ministry of Education promulgated the requirements for College English Curriculum, which made the teaching mode of foreign language teaching gradually change into student-oriented autonomous learning assisted by information technology and network. In order to further understand the influence of affective factors on the autonomous learning of online English among non-English major students in Chinese colleges and universities, this paper uses questionnaires and interviews as the means. This paper examines the current situation of English learning anxiety and self-efficacy of non-English majors in the network environment, and further studies the relationship between English learning anxiety, self-efficacy and English academic achievement. A questionnaire survey was conducted among 300 non-English major undergraduates in Northwest University of Agriculture and Forestry Science and Technology, and 20 of them were interviewed. The questionnaire consists of two parts: (NELAS) and (NELSES). The English Learning anxiety scale (NELAS) in the network environment was adapted from the Foreign language classroom anxiety scale (Horwitz 1986) by Xiong Suchun (2012). The English Learning Self-efficacy scale (NELSES) was developed on the basis of Xie Youru et al's (2011) online Learning Self-efficacy scale. As a supplementary tool of this study, interview is mainly aimed at questionnaire items. The results show that: (1) the anxiety of non-English majors is at a low level under the network environment, and the individual differences of college students have a significant effect on anxiety, and the anxiety level of rural students is higher than that of urban students. The anxiety level of middle school students without network learning experience is higher than that of students with network learning experience, and there is no significant difference between male and female students in online English learning anxiety level. There is a negative correlation between English learning anxiety and English academic achievement in network environment. (2) Non-English majors' self-efficacy of English learning is at the middle and upper level under the network environment, and individual differences have a significant impact on self-efficacy. The self-efficacy level of urban students is higher than that of rural students, the self-efficacy level of middle school students with network learning experience is higher than that of middle school students without network learning experience, there is no significant difference between boys and girls in online English learning self-efficacy level. There is a positive correlation between English learning self-efficacy and English academic achievement in network environment. (3) English learning anxiety and self-efficacy of non-English majors in network environment are negatively correlated. According to the results of the study, this study puts forward five suggestions to reduce English learning anxiety and improve self-efficacy in the network environment: (1) establishing a good teacher-student relationship; (2) guiding students to correctly attribute success or failure. (3) to use cooperative learning methods; (4) to construct a scientific and reasonable evaluation system of online English learning; (5) to pay attention to the cultivation of online English learning strategies.


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