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发布时间:2018-10-05 12:55
[Abstract]:With the development of economy, people's pursuit of spiritual civilization is improving. Documentary, as a unique image form, its origin lies in the objective presentation of the past history and the existence of reality, it is more intuitive to convey information and express feelings, from a macro perspective to provide a window for people to understand the world. It is being widely welcomed. At the same time, in the accelerating process of globalization, documentary plays an indispensable role in China's foreign exchange. Many documentaries published by China Central Television (CCTV), which contain rich cultural background and the strategic connotation of China's reform and opening to the outside world, are good propaganda media. However, most of these documentaries are not translated into English, and the audience is limited. It is envisaged that if translated into English to introduce China to the world as a propaganda material, its functional value will be further reflected. This paper is a practice report on documentary simulation interpretation. The material is selected from the first episode of "Common Destiny" and the second episode of "the way to communicate" in the documentary "Belt and Road". The "Belt and Road" initiative is an important plan for China to carry out the comprehensive reform and opening up to the outside world at present. It conveys the vision of good economic cooperation between China and the countries along the Silk Road to build roads and trade, which has a strong background significance in the times. The translator regards the interpretation theory as the theoretical basis of this interpretation practice, expounds its origin and development, its main translation viewpoints and translation standards, and carries out interpretation tasks from the perspective of interpretation theory, and carries out research and analysis by using relevant translation methods. This paper explores the practical significance of interpretation theory to the practice of interpreting in this documentary film. After the completion of the interpreting task, it summarizes the harvest and shortcomings of the interpretation practice in order to guide the interpretation task in the future. This report consists of five parts. The first part is the introduction, which introduces the interpretation materials and the practical significance; the second part is the literature review, which clarifies the main viewpoints and translation models of the interpretation theory; the third part deals with the process of interpreting practice, including pre-translation preparation. The fourth part is the analysis of interpretation practice, which uses the relevant translation methods to analyze the interpretation practice cases from the perspective of interpretation theory, and the fifth part is the summary of interpretation practice, which summarizes the harvest of this translation practice. This paper summarizes the problems and difficulties in the process of interpreting, and puts forward some thoughts to set the direction for future efforts. Through this interpretation practice, the translator has a deeper understanding of the interpretation theory, which not only accumulates valuable experience, but also improves the interpreting ability. Also further understand our country put forward "Belt and Road" initiative to carry out comprehensive reform and opening-up far-reaching significance.


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