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发布时间:2018-10-08 10:25
【摘要】:许多中国英语学习者经过多年学习,其写作水平仍然不甚令人满意,甚至那些记住了大量的单词和语法规则的中高级英语学习者仍然写不好作文。词汇的使用在写作方面问题尤为突出,表现为学生记住了大量的单词和语法规则,仍然写不好作文,通常表现为,他们用词和造句不符合英语表达的习惯,不会在适当的语境下恰当地使用单词和短语即单词和短语的选择不符合语境,常常出现短语搭配不当,词汇表达单一,受母语负迁移影响出现逐字翻译的中式英语。词块,结合了词汇和语法的特征,将语法、语义和语境融合在一起,一般由几个词项构成,比单个的词包含更多的信息,一般可以整体记忆,存储和提取使用,因而为语言学习者节省大量语法加工时间,使其表达也更符合语境要求,从而为二语词汇习得打开了新的视角,也对英语学习者的高质量的写作有很大程度上的帮助。本文以华中师范大学化学和应用数学两个专业的57名研究生一年级学生为研究对象,要求其在30分钟内完成一篇以environment pollution为话题的不少于150字的议论文,然后抽取高分和低分作文各20份分为高分组和低分组,对这两组写作中词块进行提取和统计,并运用SPSS21.0进行独立t检验和皮尔逊相关性分析等数据分析,旨在研究非英语专业研究生在写作中的词块运用情况。研究主要围绕以下几个问题展开:(1)非英语专业研究生的写作中词块的总体运用特征有哪些?(2)高低分组的写作中词块运用有何不同?(3)词块使用是否与写作水平相关?研究结果表明:(1)非英语专业研究生写作中使用4类词块,多元词,短语架构,习俗语和句子构造框架,其使用频率从高到低依次是短语架构---句子构造框架---多元词---习俗语。(2)高分组比低分组使用更多的词块,其中在句子构造框架和短语架构上存在显著差异。(3)短语架构表现出与写作水平最强的正相关,多元词和句子构造框架与写作水平表现出较弱的正相关,习俗语则与写作水平呈负相关。本研究给我们带来了英语词块教与学的启示。鉴于词块的使用在英语作文中扮演着重要的角色,作者建议英语学习者应更好地掌握词块,以便提高自己的英语写作水平。同时也建议教师们将词块教学贯穿于英语教学中,注重对学习者词块能力的培养,提高非英语专业研究生的英语写作能力。
[Abstract]:Many Chinese EFL learners have been learning for many years but their writing level is still not satisfactory. Even those middle and advanced English learners who have memorized a lot of words and grammar rules can still not write their compositions well. The use of vocabulary is particularly problematic in writing, as students memorize a large number of words and grammar rules and still fail to write compositions, usually because their words and sentences do not conform to the habits of English expression. Chinglish, which does not use words and phrases properly in a proper context, is not in line with the context, often occurs phrase collocation mismatch, single vocabulary expression, word for word translation influenced by negative transfer of mother tongue. Lexical chunks, which combine lexical and grammatical features, combine grammar, semantics, and context together. They are generally made up of several words, which contain more information than a single word, and can be memorized, stored, and extracted as a whole. As a result, language learners can save a lot of grammar processing time and make their expressions more in line with the requirements of context, thus opening up a new perspective for second language vocabulary acquisition and helping English learners to achieve high quality writing to a great extent. In this paper, 57 freshmen majoring in chemistry and applied mathematics in Huazhong normal University were asked to complete a 150-word argumentation on the topic of environment pollution within 30 minutes. Then 20 compositions with high scores and 20 low scores were divided into high score group and low score group. The lexical chunks in these two groups were extracted and statistically analyzed, and independent t test and Pearson correlation analysis were used to analyze the data. The purpose of this paper is to study the use of lexical chunks in writing by non-English majors. The research focuses on the following questions: (1) what are the overall features of lexical chunks in the writing of non-English major graduate students? (2) what are the differences in the use of lexical chunks in the writing of high and low groups? (3) is the use of lexical chunks related to the level of writing? The results show that: (1) there are four types of lexical chunks, poly-words, phrasal structures, customary language and sentence construction framework used in the writing of non-English major graduate students. The frequency of use from high to low is phrase structure, sentence construction frame, polymorphic word and custom language. (2) the high score group uses more lexical chunks than the low group. Among them, there are significant differences in sentence structure and phrase structure. (3) phrase structure has the strongest positive correlation with writing level, and multivariate words and sentence construction frame have weak positive correlation with writing level. There is a negative correlation between customary language and writing level. This study has brought us some enlightenments on the teaching and learning of English lexical chunks. Since the use of lexical chunks plays an important role in English composition, the author suggests that English learners should master lexical chunks better in order to improve their English writing proficiency. At the same time, it is suggested that teachers should apply lexical chunks teaching to English teaching, pay attention to the cultivation of learners' lexical competence, and improve the English writing ability of non-English major graduate students.


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