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发布时间:2018-10-08 12:36
[Abstract]:Halliday inherited and developed the theory of John Forster of London School and published an Introduction to Systemic Functional Grammar in 1985, which marks the formal establishment of functional grammar of the system. The functional grammar of the system is one of the most influential linguistic theories in the 20th century, and many scholars, such as Marson, Martin and Folsom, have made important contributions to the development and perfection of the functional linguistics theory of the system. In 1989, Hu Zhuang-lin and Zhu Yongsheng, Zhang Delu, published an Introduction to Systemic Functional Linguistics, which fills up the research gap of functional grammar of domestic system and plays an important role in the promotion and introduction of this theory. Halliday's semantic system has three major functions: concept function, interpersonal function and discourse function. The three-dimension function of the functional grammar of the system is widely used to analyze various kinds of discourse, especially in the analysis of novels, speeches, scientific and technical papers, news reports and so on. However, the application and physical property system is relatively small in the analysis of economic news reports, and the breadth and depth of the research are not enough. News reports are one of the main objects of critical analysis and linguistics research. The news is downloaded from Reuters's official website. The reason is two: (1) Although Britain is not a country along the Silk Road, Britain is actively involved "Belt and Road" Western countries. So, Reuters's on "Belt and Road" The initiative's report is relatively far from other foreign newspapers; (ii) Reuters is one of the world's oldest news agencies, as well as one of Britain's largest news agencies and Western news agencies, with greater influence and greater attention, And the main object of Reuters news coverage is foreign, its international news closely matches the British government's diplomatic activity. In this paper, under the framework of system functional grammar and physical properties, try to analyze "Belt and Road" News reports. The authors input from the Reuters website "Belt and Road" or Silk Road Economic Belt and Maritime Silk Road in the 21st Century The time span is from June 2015 to April 2016 and all relevant reports will be downloaded. All the word frequencies above 2 were retained, and a total of 56 31007 words were built from a small corpus. The paper mainly answers the following three questions: 1) how the physical property system is" Belt and Road "(2) how the six processes of physical property are distributed; 3) the characteristics of process distribution and the metaphor of physical properties, reflecting the stylistic characteristics of news reports. The following conclusions are obtained by analyzing news discourse and using corpus software for data processing. First, the result shows that the system function syntax and physical property system can be retrieved from the built-up corpus, and each process to which the physical property system belongs. Second, there were 3915 and physical processes in 56 press reports. The frequency of six process distributions and their proportion can be calculated by calculation. Among them, the frequency of the process was higher than that of the highest (3086, 78. 86%), the relation process accounted for (491, 12.55%), the speech process (241, 6.2%), the psychological process (62, 1.6%), the existence process (29, 0. 74%), the behavior process (6, 0.05%). The highest proportion of material process means that fact news reports have both narrative features and descriptive language features. The process of describing meaning is mostly the process of relation, the existence process and the psychological process, but the majority of the descriptive sense is the substance process. The conclusion that the material process is higher than the highest is also in accordance with the characteristics of the news report, objectively and truly reflects the happening of the outside world or what is happening. Thirdly, the author attempts to describe the grammatical features of lexical grammar under the influence of physical and physical systems. Metaphorical metaphor makes the news discourse concise. in that framework of the theoretical framework of physical property system," Belt and Road "The analysis of news reports has both theoretical and practical significance. in theory, that concept of functional grammar of the system is embody," Belt and Road "At the same time, it also verifies the operability of the theory of physical properties and the universality of the application. In practice, this study provides a new perspective for the discourse layout and reader's interpretation of news discourse in writing, and the selection of physical process and the metaphor of physical process can objectively reflect the fact of news reporting. and can produce the effect of conciseness and cohesion. The study of news stories and physical properties helps people understand the choice of news language and their function characteristics, and better understand and grasp the characteristics of news discourse.


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