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发布时间:2018-10-09 16:27
【摘要】:本文为一篇英译汉翻译报告,是笔者在独立完成A Guide for Planning the Future of Our Language的翻译实践基础上写成的。本翻译报告基于尤金·奈达的功能对等理论及读者反应论,分析并总结了该理论对此次翻译实践的指导及应用。此文本的翻译不仅为少数民族群体保护传承本族语言提供理论指导和辅助教学,也为相关政府机构或社会组织正确引导少数民族群体进行语言规划提供了范本。本翻译报告分为五个部分:第一部分对翻译的文本、作者以及发表此文本的机构进行了简要介绍;第二部分写明了翻译的过程:译前准备、译中遇到的困难,以及译后的审校与修订;第三部分对功能对等理论以及读者反应论进行介绍,并在报告中举出了在实际应用中的例子;第四部分是从翻译策略和翻译方法两个方面来列举在实践中的例子;第五部分是总结,概述翻译过程的经验和启示,总结自己翻译过程中的不足。
[Abstract]:This paper is an English-Chinese translation report written by the author on the basis of A Guide for Planning the Future of Our Language's translation practice. Based on Eugene Nida's functional equivalence theory and reader's response theory, this paper analyzes and summarizes the guidance and application of this theory to the translation practice. The translation of this text not only provides theoretical guidance and auxiliary teaching for minority groups to protect and inherit their own language, but also provides a model for relevant government agencies or social organizations to guide minority groups in language planning. This translation report is divided into five parts: the first part gives a brief introduction to the translated text, the author and the organization that published it; the second part describes the process of translation: preparation before translation, difficulties encountered in translation. The third part introduces the theory of functional equivalence and reader's response theory, and gives some examples in practical application in the report. The fourth part gives some examples from the aspects of translation strategy and translation method, and the fifth part summarizes the experience and enlightenment of translation process, and summarizes the shortcomings in translation process.


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