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发布时间:2018-10-24 21:56
[Abstract]:The VOA editorial program reflects the views of the U.S. government and serves as a political tool for its outreach. Its main purpose is to express opinions and opinions through reporting on a major news event, thus influencing the social behavior of the audience. As English learners, it is necessary to understand and recognize the special interpersonal meaning of VOA editorials and to think independently. Therefore, this study believes that the study of VOA editorials is of great significance. Interpersonal function refers to the use of discourse to establish interpersonal relationships with others, to express their views through language and to try to influence or change other people's views. Interpersonal grammatical metaphor is an important means to realize interpersonal meaning and plays an important role in editorial English. Therefore, this paper attempts to analyze VOA editorial discourse from the perspective of interpersonal grammatical metaphor theory. The present study holds that revealing interpersonal meaning in VOA editorial discourse has many meanings: first, it helps us to better interpret VOA editorials; second, it helps us to understand the editorial intention and political purpose of VOA editorials; and thirdly, it helps us understand the political purpose of VOA editorials. This can provide better suggestions for editorial editing and teaching. In addition, revealing the interpersonal meaning in VOA editorials can provide reference and help for foreign language learners in persuasive writing. The present study uses interpersonal grammatical metaphor as a theoretical framework and adopts a qualitative approach to study 45 editorial discourses randomly selected from VOA's official website. By carefully studying the sample texts and drawing lessons from Halliday's interpersonal grammatical metaphor theory, we draw the following conclusions: 1) in VOA editorial discourse, the number of modal metaphors is more than that of modal metaphors; The reason is that the United States, as a political power, needs to use mood metaphor to embody its firm political position and establish its authority. 2) the interpersonal grammatical metaphor in VOA editorials leads to interaction between editorial writers and listeners, and covert transmission of views. Implicit in the U. S. government's diplomatic strategy, plays an important role in influencing audience awareness and behavior. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to analyze the real intention and purpose of the American government in VOA editorial discourse by using the interpersonal grammatical metaphor theory to help readers improve their ability to appreciate news.


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