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发布时间:2018-10-26 16:48
[Abstract]:There are a large number of metaphorical chunks in business English, which are vivid and short. They can not only simplify the obscure economic concepts in business English, but also convey the information and meaning of business texts accurately. It plays an important role in the daily communication of business English. However, in the practical translation of business English, especially in the translation of metaphorical chunks, cognitive errors and mistranslations often occur, which to some extent affect the effective communication of business English. Therefore, from the perspective of graphic-background theory in cognitive linguistics, this paper defines the types of business English metaphorical chunks according to the defining and associative features of graphics and backgrounds proposed by Talmy. The relationship between graphic-background and business English metaphorical chunk translation is established and the corresponding translation methods are proposed. This paper firstly combs the graphic-background relationship of Talmy, and expounds the definition and associative features of graphics and background. Secondly, the business English metaphorical chunks are defined and classified according to the associative features of graphics and backgrounds, namely prominent metaphorical chunks, simple metaphorical chunks, accessible metaphorical chunks, attractive metaphorical chunks and overlapping metaphorical chunks. Then the author establishes a hierarchical corresponding schema from the author's graph-background to the translator's, and finally proposes three translation methods, namely, preserving metaphorical images, changing metaphorical images and abandoning metaphorical images, and then puts forward three translation methods: preserving metaphorical images, changing metaphorical images and abandoning metaphorical images. And a large number of business English metaphorical chunks are used to demonstrate. Based on the study of the translation of metaphorical chunks in business English, this paper argues that metaphorical chunks in business English have their inherent graph-background cognitive relationship, which is embodied in the five metaphorical chunks types defined in this paper. At the same time, these five types of internal relations provide a cognitive basis for the translation of metaphorical chunks. When the graph-background relationship between the author and the translator is consistent, the preference is to retain the metaphorical image, and to change the metaphorical image when it is not completely consistent. When there is complete inconsistency, we can choose to abandon the metaphorical image.


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