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发布时间:2018-10-30 17:50
[Abstract]:Under the economic globalization and the multi-polarization of the world, the demand of people from all over the world for communication is increasing, and interpretation is becoming more and more important as a tool of cross-cultural communication. At the same time, the promotion of China's international status has made China's voice more important. Chinese is very popular and simultaneous interpretation is necessary in many international communication occasions. However, the study of interpretation, especially simultaneous interpretation, is still in its infancy in China, and more scholars are needed to further study and explore this field to guide the development of simultaneous interpretation in a better direction. Guided by the principle of cooperation, this paper tries to analyze the role of the translator's subjectivity in the same translation under the category of Chinese and English simultaneous interpretation. First of all, this paper makes a deep analysis of the two important theoretical backgrounds of the principle of cooperation and the translator's subjectivity, and reveals their close relationship with simultaneous interpretation, which is also a special mode of communication. The principle of cooperation can be understood as the realization of the principle of cooperation in communication. In turn, the realization of the principle of cooperation can better meet the communication needs of participants in simultaneous interpretation activities and help speakers and listeners communicate better. This is also the purpose of simultaneous interpretation. The principle of cooperation can be effectively realized, in the same transmission, a large part depends on the good play of the interpreter, so in conclusion, exerting the subjectivity of the interpreter has a great influence on the realization of the principle of cooperation in the same transmission. In addition to the theoretical analysis, this paper focuses on the use of case analysis, selected six speeches of the leaders of Chinese and foreign countries in different international occasions, and through reading the draft of simultaneous interpretation into English, extracts typical cases for in-depth and detailed analysis. This paper demonstrates that the principle of cooperation has a positive guiding significance for simultaneous interpreters to exert their subjectivity and enlightens interpreters to give full play to the translator's subjectivity and use interpretation techniques to achieve high quality simultaneous interpretation.


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