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发布时间:2018-11-01 17:21
[Abstract]:As a common type of translation, contract translation is characterized by strong professionalism, logic, rigorous use of words, formal style and legal effect. There is a great challenge for translators, especially inexperienced translators. Therefore, a successful contract translation has the value of summary and analysis. Based on Nida's functional equivalence, this paper summarizes and discusses the common features and difficulties of contract translation and the problems to be paid attention to in translation. The cases selected for this report are from the author's practice of translation of engineering contracts. Under the guidance of Nida's functional equivalence theory, the author summarizes translation principles, translation strategies and translation experiences. In this paper, the author makes a full and detailed report on some of his achievements from translation practice, hoping to describe the project processing process and summarize and analyze the common problems. It provides reference and reflection for translators who are interested in contractual translation. This report is divided into seven chapters, the main contents of which can be divided into five parts. The first part includes the first chapter and the second part is the second chapter. It briefly introduces the content of Nida's translation equivalence theory and the reasons for combining it with contractual translation. The third part includes the third and fourth chapters. It mainly introduces the background of the task, the introduction of the project, the preparatory work before the beginning of the project, and the reference of the materials in the process of translation. Translation modification and feedback after the end of the translation. The fourth part is the fifth chapter, which mainly analyzes the case of the project from three aspects: vocabulary, sentence and style. The fifth part includes the sixth chapter and the seventh chapter, is the summary, the arrangement and the reflection to the entire project, finds out the insufficiency, further improves in the follow-up study and the work.


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