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发布时间:2018-11-03 21:11
【摘要】:自上世纪七十年代以来二语词汇习得已经渐渐成为二语习得研究领域里的一个热点,也是众多学习者所面临的的一大难题。著名英国语言学家Wilkins (1972)曾指出,“没有语法,传递的东西很少;没有词汇,则什么东西都传递不了”。在中学英语教学中,词汇习得是基础。在对成绩有影响的可控因素中,词汇学习策略的影响最大。《普通高中课程标准》(2012实验稿)对中学英语词汇教学要求进行了分级描述,要求教师应该培养学生词汇学习的策略,让学生在词汇学习过程中养成使用策略的习惯。由此可以看出,目前很多的研究和要求,都主要聚焦二语词汇习得上。如果对一些特定水平的习得者开展二语词汇习得的理念、特点和偏误类型调查与分析,所得结果必将有助于他们有效使用词汇习得策略,拓展他们词汇的广度和深度。为此,本文以60名国内学习英语的高中生为研究对象,拟先通过问卷调查并基于所得数据的分析和处理,探讨他们习得二语词汇的特点,再基于他们的习作,对其偏误进行分类。本文发现:(1)对于二语词汇习得,高中生已认识到词汇的重要性,对于词汇习得策略的重要性认识不够;此外,高中生在习得二语词汇时,认识到了关注到词汇的基本形式和意义本身,认识到了母语的迁移影响很大。(2)在二语词汇习得时,高中生所表现出学习特点有:多采用英汉对照的方式来学习和理解二语词汇,主要通过记忆词汇输入来源单一的单词表,且采用的是机械重复记忆的方法,过多地关注了单词的概念意义而忽视了词汇的文化背景和知识内涵。(3)高中生在二语词汇上呈现的偏误类型可分为语际和语内偏误两个方面。语际偏误的主要类型有:名词单复数、冠词使用的多余或缺失、动词时态和语态、词性误用等。语内偏误的类型有:用词不当、单词不符合目的语的习惯和表意不清等。
[Abstract]:Since the 1970s, second language vocabulary acquisition has gradually become a hot topic in the field of second language acquisition. Wilkins (1972), a famous English linguist, once pointed out that "without grammar, there is very little to pass on; without vocabulary, nothing can be transmitted". Vocabulary acquisition is the foundation in middle school English teaching. Among the controllable factors, vocabulary learning strategies have the greatest influence on the achievement. The English vocabulary teaching requirements are described at different levels in General Senior Middle School Curriculum Standard (2012 draft). Teachers should cultivate students' vocabulary learning strategies so that students can form the habit of using them in the process of vocabulary learning. From this, we can see that many researches and requirements are mainly focused on second language vocabulary acquisition. If we investigate and analyze the concepts, characteristics and error types of second language vocabulary acquisition among some learners at a specific level, the results will help them to use vocabulary acquisition strategies effectively and expand their vocabulary breadth and depth. In this paper, 60 senior high school students studying English in China are selected as the subjects of this study. The purpose of this study is to explore the characteristics of L2 vocabulary acquisition by means of a questionnaire survey and the analysis and processing of the data obtained, and then to explore the characteristics of L2 vocabulary acquisition based on their exercises. The errors are classified. This paper finds that: (1) for the second language vocabulary acquisition, senior high school students have realized the importance of vocabulary, but not the importance of vocabulary acquisition strategies; In addition, in the acquisition of second language vocabulary, high school students realize that they pay attention to the basic form and meaning of vocabulary, and realize that the transfer of mother tongue has great influence. (2) in second language vocabulary acquisition, The learning characteristics of high school students are as follows: most of them learn and understand L2 vocabulary by English-Chinese comparison, mainly by memorizing vocabulary input from a single word table, and by mechanical repetition. Too much attention has been paid to the conceptual meaning of words and the cultural background and knowledge connotation of words have been neglected. (3) High school students' errors in L2 vocabulary can be divided into two aspects: interlingual and intra-linguistic bias. The main types of interlingual errors are: single and complex nouns, superfluous or missing articles, tense and voice of verbs, misuse of parts of speech, etc. The types of intra-lingual errors include improper use of words, incongruity of words with the target language and ambiguity.


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