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发布时间:2018-11-06 13:04
[Abstract]:Adverbs are a very complicated part of speech in English. Most English adverbs are derived adverbs from the adjective-ly suffix. -ly adverbs or derivative-ly adverbs transformed from adjectives have high frequency, variety, rich meanings, flexible position in sentences and important syntactic functions, which are of great significance to English learners. However, proficiency in the use of derivative-ly adverbs is a difficult problem for Chinese English learners. The existing English-Chinese learning dictionaries are not systematic in the collection and processing of derived-ly adverbs. Therefore, this paper explores the systematic setting of derived-ly adverbs and their related information in English-Chinese learning dictionaries. According to the semantic and syntactic functions of derived-ly adverbs, this paper divides them into three categories: sentence adverbs, emphasis adverbs and mode adverbs. The subdivision of sentence adverbs into thematic adverbs, evaluative adverbs, speech act adverbs and modal adverbs. This paper also explains the characteristics of derivative-ly adverbs. Secondly, this paper conducts a corpus-based empirical study from the point of view of user demand. By analyzing and comparing the relevant data of (CLEC) and (BROWN), the author concludes the errors of ly adverbs made by Chinese learners. Then the frequency of use of the first ten-ly adverbs in the two corpora was calculated by AntConc software, and the significance of these words was tested by using the Log-Likelihood value. Based on the theory of error analysis, this paper explores the causes of learners' mistakes, and then finds out the learners' needs for dictionaries. Then, this paper selects four English-Chinese learning dictionaries to study the presentation of derivative-ly adverbs. On the one hand, the comparative information, syntactic tagging, modification and collocation information of adverbs directly related to the mistakes made by Chinese students are compared. On the other hand, we compare derivation-ly adverb entry, interpretation and other information. The results show that the derivation-ly adverbs of the same type are not included and presented according to the unified standard. The shortcomings of English-Chinese learning dictionaries in this respect are as follows: lack of standards and related prepages, incomplete comparative information, lack of collocation information and discrimination between-ly adjectives and derivative-ly adverbs. Finally, this paper proposes a representation model combining dictionary function theory with attention hypothesis theory. A series of concrete strategies are put forward from the framework structure, mesoscopic structure and microstructure of the dictionary, including setting up the standard of inclusion, inserting the study page, highlighting the interpretation and typical examples, adding syntactic annotation and adverb collocation column. Configuration cross-reference, set error warning. These strategies have reference value for dictionary compilation practice.


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