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发布时间:2018-11-06 14:16
[Abstract]:The original version of this translation is an excerpt from the preparation outline of the Transitional Education Program, which was co-authored by UNESCO experts and published on the official UNESCO website in June 2016. The selected text of the translation project is the main part of the outline: the first part is the connotation, characteristics and advantages of the TEP (Transitional Education Plan), and the second part is the preparatory work of the program. The preparatory work consists of six stages: education sector analysis, policy focus and strategy, project design, cost and financing, implementation and organization, monitoring and evaluation. These contents have great reference significance for China to formulate its own transitional education plan. Therefore, it is necessary to translate the original English text into Chinese. This translation project takes ecological translation as the theoretical guidance. Under this guidance, translators should give full play to their main role and strengthen their leading role in translating texts. In order to achieve the survival of the fittest in the ecological environment of the target language, the translator needs to make appropriate choices and transformations. In addition, since the selected text is an authoritative informative text written by experts, it pays more attention to the reader's response than other texts. According to the ecological environment attribute of "survival of the fittest", the readers' response largely determines whether the translated works can survive or not. Therefore, the translator should make a multi-dimensional transformation from the perspective of "reader's reaction", and finally finish the excellent work which can arouse the reader's positive response. The purpose of this translation project report is to prove that ecological translation theory plays an important role in improving translation quality. This report is divided into four chapters: the first chapter briefly introduces the background, expected objectives, importance and structure of the translation project, the second chapter analyzes the original text in detail and outlines the ecological translation theory. The third chapter describes the problems encountered in the process of translation, puts forward the translator's solution under the care of ecological translation theory, and explains it with concrete examples. In Chapter 4, the report summarizes the experience gained in translation projects and leaves unsolved translation problems.


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