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发布时间:2018-11-19 08:27
[Abstract]:With the progress of the times and the deepening of China's reform and opening up, there are more and more cultural exchanges between China and other countries, thus promoting the continuous development and progress of our society. For higher vocational English teaching, we should constantly promote the construction and integration of the teaching system, improve the quality of English teaching, and really promote the students' future growth and professional quality. Through the effective research on the problems existing in the current English teaching system in higher vocational colleges, this paper analyzes and considers the problems from the perspective of professional development, and constantly promotes the construction and maturity of the English teaching system in higher vocational colleges. The following will focus on the market needs and talent growth and other important factors to provide an effective solution to the construction of higher vocational English teaching system to promote the smooth realization of the goal of higher vocational English teaching.
【作者单位】: 吉安职业技术学院;


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