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发布时间:2018-11-19 14:47
[Abstract]:Foreign propaganda translation is a cross-cultural communication activity with the main purpose of transmitting Chinese culture and sound. The term of current politics with Chinese characteristics reflects the principles and policies of different stages of social development in China, and the quality of its translation is related to the effect of external communication and the construction of China's national image. From the angle of contrast between English and Chinese, this paper makes an in-depth analysis of the various translation methods used before and after the standardization of Belt and Road's terms, and points out that it is difficult to find "equivalents" in English with Chinese characteristics in terms of current and political terms, in combination with the translation methods of some popular terms. In order to achieve the two-way balance of foreign exchange and highlight the unique charm of Chinese culture, the translation strategy of alienation can be used to promote translation in Chinese English. In the selection of translation methods, the idiom of English should be considered while preserving "Chinese characteristics". According to the type characteristics of current political terms, literal translation should be given priority to, supplemented by annotations and interpretations, and the connotation and extension of current political terms should be comprehensively displayed.
【作者单位】: 厦门理工学院外国语学院;


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