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发布时间:2018-11-19 17:58
【摘要】:语法型式指频数显著的、与特定词汇共现的所有词汇和语法结构的短语学形式意义复合体,联结词汇、语法和意义于一体。根据四种典型的外壳名词语法型式,识别了A Brief History of Time英语语料库中idea等十个高频外壳名词,描写了外壳名词语法型式与意义的关联:1)选择一组抽象名词,分为言语类、思想类、品质类和其它类四个意义组;2)在最临近的上下文语境中建构具体的语篇信息,形成一种回指/后指的词汇衔接手段;3)建构物理学知识的学科认识论。基于《时间简史》平行语料库,通过描写典型外壳名词idea后接be that从句、this:、to不定式的三种补足型式和前面出现this的前置型式,分析了外壳名词前置翻译法、后置翻译法、顺序翻译法、固定构式分离法、重构句子结构等翻译方法。语法型式方法为分析外壳名词翻译的意义对等和形式对应提供了语言学动因。
[Abstract]:Grammatical pattern refers to the phrasological formal meaning complex of all words and grammatical structures with significant frequency and coexisting with a particular vocabulary, linking vocabulary, grammar and meaning in one body. According to four typical shell noun grammatical patterns, ten high-frequency shell nouns such as idea in the A Brief History of Time English corpus are identified, and the relationship between the grammatical patterns of shell nouns and their meanings is described. 1) A group of abstract nouns are selected and classified into speech categories. Thought, quality and other sense groups; 2) constructing specific textual information in the nearest context and forming a lexical cohesive device of anaphora / posteriori; 3) constructing the subject epistemology of physics knowledge. Based on the parallel corpus of "A brief History of time", by describing the typical shell noun idea followed by be that clause, three complement types of this:,to infinitive and the front form of this in front, this paper analyzes the pre- and post-translation of shell nouns. Sequential translation, fixed structure separation, sentence structure reconstruction and other translation methods. Grammatical patterns provide linguistic motivations for the analysis of meaning equivalence and formal adaptation in the translation of shell nouns.
【作者单位】: 北京航空航天大学外国语学院;


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