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发布时间:2018-11-20 18:36
【摘要】:SORRY,I’M BRITISH!(《不好意思,我是英国人嘛!》)由本·克瑞斯托(Ben Crystal)、亚当·罗斯(Adam Russ)与艾德·麦克拉克伦(Ed McLachlan)合著,英国世界出版社(Oneworld Publications)2010年首次出版,2011年和2014年再出版。本书为社科类读物,全书以词典的形式按照A到Z的顺序解释了英国各种社会现象,表达英国各方各面的常规和习惯,字里行间透露出时而明显时而暗搓的自嘲,极具英国性格特色。此书至今尚无中文译本。本翻译报告以此书A到C内容的汉译实践为研究对象,描述了翻译任务与过程,解析了原文本的性质和语言特点,并在此基础上,从提高语言可读性、适当传递异域文化和把握语言差异三方面入手,对原文中的俚语采用语用翻译策略进行翻译;为充分体现原文“冰山式”的行文特点,译者采取了具体化、释义和增益等方法;为充分展现英式幽默的韵味,译者采取了直译、直译加补偿和归化的翻译方法,以期译文达到通俗性与趣味性兼具,专业性与文学性兼具。
[Abstract]:SORRY,I'M British! ("Sorry, I'm British!") is co-authored by (Ben Crystal), Adam Ross (Adam Russ) and Eddard MacLachlan (Ed McLachlan). (Oneworld Publications), the UK world publishing house, was first published in 2010 and republished in 2011 and 2014. This book is a social science book. The book explains all kinds of social phenomena in the form of dictionaries in the order A to Z, expressing the conventions and habits of all sides of the United Kingdom. It is very British in character. There is no Chinese translation of this book so far. This translation report focuses on the practice of translating from A to C, describes the task and process of translation, analyzes the nature and linguistic characteristics of the original text, and on this basis, improves the readability of the language. Starting with the proper transfer of foreign culture and the understanding of linguistic differences, pragmatic translation strategies are used to translate slang in the original text. In order to fully reflect the characteristics of the original "iceberg style", the translator adopts the methods of concretization, interpretation and gain. In order to fully display the charm of English humor, the translator adopts the methods of literal translation, literal translation plus compensation and domestication in order to achieve both popularity and interest, professionalism and literature.


相关硕士学位论文 前1条

1 郭怡君;《不好意思,,我是英国人嘛!》英汉翻译实践报告[D];河北师范大学;2017年




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