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发布时间:2018-12-12 11:31
[Abstract]:Under the environment of economic globalization, with the reform and opening up and China's accession to the World Trade Organization, more and more Chinese enterprises begin to implement the "going out" strategy and engage in international business activities. The overseas image of Chinese enterprises not only affects the expansion of their own overseas business, but also directly relates to the overall image of the country. The external publicity material is the main channel for shaping the external image of the enterprise and the important way for foreign customers to understand the enterprise. It covers the company profile, product introduction, corporate responsibility and so on, is the most direct, most image, the most effective form of publicity. Therefore, the translation of enterprise publicity materials will inevitably be paid more and more attention. In his book Oxford higher order English Dictionary, Professor Hornby pointed out that the word "parallel text" denotes the target reference related to the content of the original text. These materials can be topical articles, entries in encyclopedias, even explanations and examples in dictionaries. Parallel texts can help translators acquire professional knowledge, learn technical terms and learn from expressions, thus ensuring the accuracy and professionalism of the translation. This paper introduces the concept of "parallel text" into the translation report, and discusses the translation strategies of foreign publicity materials in Ningbo Jingcheng Automobile Industry Co., Ltd. With reference to the well-known English and American corporate materials, the translator explores the translation difficulties from the lexical and syntactic levels, and puts forward an appropriate translation method after repeated scrutiny. Through summing up the translation practice, the translator thinks that applying parallel texts to the specific commercial genre translation practice can not only deepen the translator's understanding of the original text, deal with difficult information, but also make the translation more professional.


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