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发布时间:2018-12-30 18:03
[Abstract]:In the era of rapid development of market economy, "iron rice bowl" has ceased to exist, and entrepreneurial economy has become one of the effective ways to prosperity economy. In recent years, the Chinese government has been encouraging university students to start a business. In 2014, Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council put forward new ideas such as "mass entrepreneurship" and "grassroots entrepreneurship" at the Summer Davos Forum. This translation report "realizing self" comes from the best-selling works in the United States and is named "one of the greatest 12 Business Books in History" by USA Today. Therefore, the translation of Western entrepreneurial works is imperative and conducive to stimulating China's innovative economy. This translation report is based on the translator's independent project of entrepreneurial motivational autobiography translation. The report introduces the textual and linguistic features of the book "realizing self". Combining with individual translation practice, this paper analyzes and summarizes the translated text from lexical, syntactic and textual aspects according to Neda's functional equivalence theory. In this paper, the author puts forward some important difficulties in translation and analyzes the typical sentences in Chinese translation, and puts forward a series of practical translation strategies. In terms of lexical difficulties, translators mainly choose literal translation, incremental translation, conversion, annotation and lexical selection. Especially for the functional words, such as articles and conjunctions, which are easy to be ignored in the autobiography, the translator adopts the additional translation method and the strategy of choosing words in the context. In terms of syntactic difficulties, the translator focuses on the translation strategies of sequence translation and sentence restructuring, and reorganizes sentence patterns according to context, using translation strategies such as inversion and transformation. In addition, he adopts the strategies of anti-translation and parallelism. In terms of textual difficulties, in order to achieve cohesion and coherence equivalence, translators adopt incremental and repetitive translation methods. The translation report summarizes the translation practice of entrepreneurial motivational autobiographical texts and illustrates the feasibility of functional equivalence theory in the translation of autobiographical texts through a detailed case study. This report explores the characteristics of entrepreneurial motivational autobiography and puts forward practical and effective translation strategies in the hope of improving translation efficiency strengthening translator's comprehensive ability and providing reference for entrepreneurs.


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