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发布时间:2019-01-04 07:29
【摘要】:《理论对译者有用吗?——象牙塔与语言工作面之间的对话》一书是两位作者Andrew Chesterma和Emma Wagner关于翻译理论和翻译实践之间关系问题的讨论。本论文以该书第三、四章作为本次翻译实践的原文文本。本实践文本属信息型文本,语言逻辑性强,翻译的焦点在内容而非形式,翻译时以再现原文内容为首要任务。本次翻译实践报告,以英国翻译理论家彼得·纽马克(Peter Newmark)的交际翻译和语义翻译为理论指导,从词汇和句子两个层面具体分析了翻译过程中出现的翻译问题以及采取的翻译策略,包括代词和专业术语等词汇层面的翻译,长难句和被动句等句子层面的翻译。针对翻译实践文本中出现的专业术语及长难句翻译等主要问题,笔者在翻译过程中采取了相应的翻译策略:查阅《翻译研究词典》以及其他介绍翻译理论的文章来解决专业术语的翻译,力求术语的译名合理且易于接受;运用顺译、增译等方法解决长难句翻译的问题。本次翻译实践不仅使笔者对翻译理论与翻译实践两者之间的关系有了更深的认识,而且积累了翻译经验。同时,笔者也认识到,翻译时应灵活运用翻译理论,与原文作者、翻译客户及目标读者等多方进行对话,以收获更好的译文。
[Abstract]:"is Theory useful to translators?" A Dialogue between the Ivory Tower and the language working face. The two authors, Andrew Chesterma and Emma Wagner, discuss the relationship between translation theory and translation practice. The third and fourth chapters of this thesis are taken as the original text of this translation practice. This practical text is informative and logical. The focus of translation is on content rather than form. The primary task of translation is to reproduce the original text. This translation practice report is guided by the communicative translation and semantic translation by British translation theorist Peter Newmark (Peter Newmark). This paper analyzes the translation problems in the process of translation from the lexical and sentence levels and the translation strategies adopted, including the translation of pronouns and professional terms at the lexical level, and the translation of long difficult sentences and passive sentences at the sentence level. In view of the major problems in translating practical texts, such as technical terms and translation of long and difficult sentences, In the process of translation, the author adopts the corresponding translation strategies: referring to the Dictionary of Translation Studies and other articles introducing translation theory to solve the problem of translation of professional terms, in order to make the translation of terms reasonable and easy to accept; To solve the problem of translation of long and difficult sentences by means of sequence translation and incremental translation. This translation practice not only makes the author have a deeper understanding of the relationship between translation theory and translation practice, but also accumulates translation experience. At the same time, the author also realizes that the translation theory should be used flexibly to have dialogue with the original author, translation clients and target readers in order to gain a better translation.


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