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发布时间:2019-01-05 16:26
【摘要】:思辨能力培养是高等教育的根本任务,也是大学学习不可或缺的部分(Moore 2011)。为了实现完整的外语教育、适应日益复杂的国际交流环境变革以及重塑其与通识教育的关系,我国的大学英语必须以思辨能力培养为中心进行改革。大学英语课堂中的思辨能力培养具有双重目标,即促进学生语言技能的发展以及大学英语三大主要内容的有机结合,这两大目标的实现都要通过鼓励学生对语言形式-观点的智识性探究才能真正实现。基于Moore(2011)以及Alnofaie(2013)的理论模型,本文建立大学英语课堂中思辨能力培养的整体性框架,提出大学英语思辨能力培养任务必须与整个大学、以及大学英语课程体系的思辨能力培养任务相契合。同时,确定了理解、评价、扩展、应用和反思等五个大学英语课堂中思辨能力培养的具体任务,旨在促使大学英语培养的思辨能力的有效迁移,促进大学英语的人文性和工具性目的的共同实现。
[Abstract]:The cultivation of speculative ability is the fundamental task of higher education and an indispensable part of college learning (Moore 2011). In order to achieve a complete foreign language education, adapt to the increasingly complex international communication environment and reshape its relationship with general education, college English in our country must be reformed with the cultivation of speculative ability as the center. The cultivation of speculative ability in college English classroom has a dual purpose, that is, to promote the development of students' language skills and the organic combination of the three main contents of college English. The realization of these two goals can only be realized by encouraging students to explore the language form-point of view intelligently. Based on the theoretical model of Moore (2011) and Alnofaie (2013), this paper establishes a holistic framework for the cultivation of speculative competence in college English classroom, and proposes that the task of cultivating speculative competence in college English must be related to that of the whole university. And college English curriculum system of speculative ability training tasks in line with each other. At the same time, it determines the specific tasks of developing speculative ability in five college English classes, namely, understanding, evaluation, expansion, application and reflection, in order to promote the effective transfer of the speculative competence of college English training. To promote the common realization of the humanistic and instrumental purposes of college English.
【作者单位】: 浙江大学外国语言文化与国际交流学院;
【基金】:教育部人文社会科学研究项目“社会文化理论视域下的语言政策研究”(项目编号:13YJA740031) 全国教育科学规划教育部重点课题“基于大学英语课堂学习共同体的中国大学生思辨能力培养研究”(项目编号:GPA105046) 2014中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金阶段性研究成果


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