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发布时间:2019-02-19 19:55
【摘要】:教材是推动中西方学术交流的重要工具,因此教材的翻译直接关系到学科的教学和知识的传播。笔者有幸参加江苏凤凰教育出版社主持的Creative Writing in the Digital Age书籍汉译项目。该书是中国从美国引进的第一本以数字时代为大背景的创意写作教材,笔者专门选取其中第四章和第五章作为案例分析材料,这两章讲述了如何以热门的数字软件和电子游戏为平台进行创意写作教学。然而,目前国内创意写作教材不多,而且只是略微涉及数字化。因此,翻译该教材对提高学生的创意写作技能并推动中国创意写作教学的发展具有积极的意义。笔者以该汉译项目为基础撰写了项目报告。本报告以该书第四章和第五章为研究对象,主要探讨了教材翻译这一课题。笔者尝试以目的论为指导理论,结合中外写作教科书的差异,从词法、句法和篇章三个层面探讨了翻译过程中的难点,并提供了相应的翻译方法,包括如何翻译创意写作相关的跨学科术语和典型复合长句,以及如何实现篇章的衔接与连贯。另外,笔者希望报告中总结的翻译策略能为教材翻译理论注入新鲜血液。
[Abstract]:Textbooks are important tools to promote academic exchanges between China and the West, so the translation of textbooks is directly related to the teaching of subjects and the dissemination of knowledge. I have the honour to participate in Jiangsu Phoenix Education Publishing House sponsored by the Creative Writing in the Digital Age book translation project. The book is the first creative writing textbook introduced by China from the United States with the background of the digital age. The author selects chapters 4 and 5 as case analysis materials. These two chapters describe how to use popular digital software and video games as the platform for creative writing teaching. However, at present, the domestic creative writing textbooks are few, and only slightly involved in digitization. Therefore, the translation of the textbook has positive significance to improve students' creative writing skills and promote the development of creative writing teaching in China. The author wrote the project report based on the project. In this report, chapters 4 and 5 of the book are taken as the object of study, which mainly discusses the subject of textbook translation. Based on the Skopos theory and the differences between Chinese and foreign writing textbooks, the author attempts to explore the difficulties in the process of translation from three aspects: lexical, syntactic and textual, and provide the corresponding translation methods. It includes how to translate interdisciplinary terms and typical complex long sentences about creative writing, and how to achieve cohesion and coherence. In addition, the author hopes that the translation strategies summarized in the report will inject fresh blood into the textbook translation theory.


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