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发布时间:2019-02-19 21:31
[Abstract]:There are many similarities between song translation and poetry translation. Poetry translation stresses the beauty of visual art, which can be read in a wide range of words, and the poet can use his imagination and express his feelings as he pleases. Song translation is more about the artistic beauty of hearing. It not only needs the lyrics to conform to the structure, style and writing techniques of the original song, but also takes into account whether the lyrics translated are singing or not. Therefore, the range of songs should be taken into account in translation, thus increasing the choice of lexical, syntactic and rhetorical devices in translation. This thesis takes Professor Xu Yuanchong's views and ideas of poetry translation as the main theoretical framework to explore the uniqueness of song translation, especially the inherent difficulties of song translation, and requires flexible choice of translation strategies and solutions. Professor Xu Yuanchong is one of the most famous translators and translation theorists at the end of the 20th century. He has made outstanding contributions to the spread of Chinese traditional culture in the West. Based on the rich translation practice, Xu Yuanchong generalizes a set of theoretical systems of poetry translation, including the famous "three Beauty" (meaning beauty, sound beauty and form beauty) and "three transformation theory" (superficial, equalization and deepening). He further proposed the "three of the three" guidelines of knowing and happy harmony. Xu Yuanchong put forward that translation is the art of transforming one language into another, which mainly resolves the contradiction between the content of the original text and the form of the translation. He emphasizes that while translating poems, he should not only convey the beauty of the original poem, but also convey the beauty of sound and form as much as possible. Xu Yuanchong's translation theory emphasizes beauty, transcendence and faithfulness. By comparing some carefully selected classical English songs and their Chinese translations, this thesis draws the following preliminary conclusions: song translation should be guided by the principles and standards of "singing, syntactic appropriateness and similarity of artistic experience". To some extent, this concept coincides with Xu Yuanchong's theory of poetry translation.


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