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发布时间:2019-02-19 22:10
[Abstract]:Since the new curriculum reform advocates independent, cooperative and inquiry learning, the new educational concept has gradually taken root in people's hearts. Applying inquiry teaching to reading teaching can make students fully participate in the learning process and experience the process of knowledge generation by building knowledge on their own. In this way, students can learn more actively, thus truly become the master of the classroom. However, at present, what is the implementation of inquiry teaching in English reading class in senior high school, and what is the cognition of inquiry reading teaching among English teachers in senior high school? The author wants to investigate and study the students' learning situation in the inquiry reading teaching activities. (in this case, for the convenience of narration, the inquiry teaching in English reading class is referred to as inquiry reading teaching). The author hopes that the solution of these problems can provide some valuable reference for the reform of inquiry reading teaching. This study reveals the necessity and feasibility of using inquiry teaching in reading class from the perspective of further promoting the new curriculum reform and exposing the disadvantages of traditional reading teaching. The research question starts from three angles. 1. Teachers' cognitive perspective, that is, how does senior high school English teachers know about inquiry reading teaching? Second, what is the implementation of inquiry teaching in reading class from the perspective of teachers' operation? Third, is the student's angle, that is, the student in the inquiry reading teaching process learning situation? After determining the basic research problems, the author takes 30 teachers and 260 students in Anze No. 1 Middle School and Hongdong No. 1 Middle School as the research objects. Questionnaires and interviews were used to investigate and analyze the collected data and interview data quantitatively and qualitatively. Finally, the author summarizes and puts forward some suggestions on how to improve the inquiry teaching in reading class. For the results of the investigation, the author mainly from three angles. First, teachers know the angle. Teachers have a strong interest in inquiry teaching, and have a certain understanding and understanding. But few teachers can speak clearly to the basic inquiry patterns and steps. And some teachers do not know how to guide students' inquiry learning and how to evaluate students' performance in inquiry learning activities. Second, the operation angle of teachers. Through the investigation, only a small number of teachers can operate according to the basic operation steps, and can pay attention to the students' inquiry autonomy and the cultivation of ability and emotion in the inquiry activities, but most of the teachers' operation process is chaotic and blind. They neglect the cultivation of students' ability and emotion in inquiry reading activities. Third, student angle. Although most students are interested in inquiry and willing to participate in inquiry learning, they tend to focus on the form of inquiry learning and ignore its essence. The concrete manifestation is that the students are not clear about the specific inquiry steps, because the basic knowledge is weak and can not be fully explored, so they lack the basic inquiry skills. In addition, in exploratory group activities, most students can not effectively discuss and communicate with their peers, nor do they know how to evaluate the group members' inquiry learning activities. In the face of the above problems, the author puts forward four suggestions: (1) reforming the existing teaching system and releasing teachers; (2) combining theory and practice to further enrich teachers' theoretical knowledge reserve in inquiry reading teaching; (3) strengthening the professional training of teachers in inquiry teaching, 4 arousing students' interest in inquiry, and cultivating students' basic inquiry skills, etc.


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