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发布时间:2019-03-09 18:03
【摘要】:随着人们对生活质量要求的提高,娱乐方式也愈发多样化。作为众多音乐爱好者的福音,音乐杂志和美妙的音乐书籍、演唱会一样,可以大大丰富读者的知识,拓展读者的视野。本文基于笔者实习期间翻译的近6万字英文杂志Acoustic Guitar写就。该杂志是一本原声吉他杂志,每期都会通过曲谱、吉他产品试用检测和音乐大师的人物传记采访给予读者详细、专业的指导。笔者在翻译过程中主要借助功能目的论中的“目的法则”、“连贯法则”和“忠实法则”来指导翻译过程,同时采用增译法、减译法、意译法、词类转换法等翻译技巧和原则来翻译杂志。通过这次实践,笔者翻译能力和音乐领域翻译质量得到了提升。公司对于杂志翻译最终译稿给予了积极的反馈和肯定,但由于笔者首次参与音乐杂志翻译,且音乐专业术语及背景知识了解尚浅,希望能就此文与广大英语翻译人士共同切磋,共同探讨进步,也希望本文能够给音乐翻译人士提供参考价值,带来启发和思考。
[Abstract]:With the improvement of people's quality of life, entertainment is becoming more and more diversified. As many music lovers, music magazines and wonderful music books, concerts, can greatly enrich the reader's knowledge and broaden their horizons. This paper is based on the translation of nearly 60, 000 words in the English magazine Acoustic Guitar during my internship. The magazine is a soundtrack guitar magazine, each issue of which provides detailed, professional guidance to readers through music spectrum, guitar product trial testing and biographical interviews with music masters. In the process of translation, the author mainly uses the "law of purpose", "the rule of coherence" and "the rule of faithfulness" in functional Skopos theory to guide the process of translation. At the same time, the author adopts the methods of addition, subtraction and free translation. Translation techniques and principles, such as part-of-speech translation, are used to translate magazines. Through this practice, the author's translation ability and the quality of translation in the music field have been improved. The company has given positive feedback and affirmation to the final translation of magazine translation, but as the author participated in the translation of music magazine for the first time, and the understanding of music terminology and background knowledge is still shallow, I hope that I can discuss this text with the general English translators. To explore the progress together, I hope this paper can provide reference value for music translators, and bring inspiration and thinking.


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1 王晋军;名词化在语篇类型中的体现[J];外语学刊;2003年02期

2 仲伟合,钟钰;德国的功能派翻译理论[J];中国翻译;1999年03期




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