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发布时间:2019-04-11 13:08
【摘要】:随着经济全球化的发展和网络信息化的普及,互联网已经成为未成年人最重要的学习娱乐和社会交往平台之一。然而,未成年人普遍缺乏独立使用互联网的判断能力,保护未成年人的网络权利是国际通行的做法。我国的未成年人互联网保护法并不完善,因此我国亟待建立完善的未成年人网络保护法体系,为未成年人网络权利提供法律保障。本翻译实践报告取材于电子书《未成年人互联网保护法裁决》。译者选取了该裁决的第一部分“总序”和第二部分“事实认定”几个小节进行翻译和分析。原文本介绍了裁决案的背景、公共图书馆的互联网使用情况、计算机过滤技术、相关法律框架等。以文本功能分类理论为标准,原文本属于表达型文本下的权威法律文本。本翻译实践以彼德·纽马克(Peter Newmark)的语义翻译与交际翻译理论作为指导,结合宏观层面的文本功能与文本类型特点及微观层面的法律英语词汇、句式、语篇特点,力求在准确无误理解原语文本信息的基础上,在目的语文本中再现原文信息。本翻译实践报告分为四章。第一章介绍翻译项目取材来源和意义,重点分析原文文本语言和行文结构特点。第二章为翻译过程描述,即译前准备、翻译过程和译后审校。第三章为案例分析,以纽马克的文本功能类型理论为指导,探讨翻译过程中出现的典型问题和采取的翻译策略。在翻译法律英语词汇层面,主要采取直译、增译等译法。在句法层面,主要采取顺序法、分译法等策略。在语篇层面,主要论述程式化结构的翻译处理以及语篇衔接手段的翻译处理。第四章为本翻译实践的总结,简述尚待解决的问题及翻译心得。
[Abstract]:With the development of economic globalization and the popularization of network information, Internet has become one of the most important learning, entertainment and social communication platforms for minors. However, minors generally lack the ability to use the Internet independently. It is an international practice to protect the Internet rights of minors. China's Internet Protection Law for minors is not perfect. Therefore, it is urgent to establish a perfect system of Internet Protection Law for minors to provide legal protection for the Internet rights of minors. This translation practice report is based on the e-book Internet Protection Law for minors. The translator selects the first part of the award, the General Preface, and the second part, the confirmation of fact, for translation and analysis. The original text introduces the background of adjudication cases, the use of Internet in public libraries, computer filtering technology, relevant legal framework, and so on. According to the text functional classification theory, the original text belongs to the authoritative legal text under the expressive text. This translation practice is guided by Peter Newmark (Peter Newmark) 's theory of semantic translation and communicative translation, combining the macro-level text function and text type characteristics and micro-level legal English vocabulary, sentence pattern and text features. On the basis of accurate understanding of the original text information, the original text information is reproduced in the target language text. This translation practice report is divided into four chapters. The first chapter introduces the source and significance of the translation project, and focuses on the analysis of the original text language and the characteristics of the structure of the text. The second chapter describes the translation process, that is, pre-translation preparation, translation process and post-translation revision. The third chapter is a case study. Under the guidance of Newmark's theory of text functional types, this paper discusses the typical problems and translation strategies in the process of translation. At the level of translating legal English vocabulary, the main translation methods are literal translation, supplementary translation and so on. At the syntactic level, it mainly adopts the strategies of sequential method, translation method and so on. At the textual level, it mainly discusses the translation of stylized structures and cohesive devices. The fourth chapter is a summary of the translation practice, briefly describes the problems to be solved and translation experience.


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2 任德发;;论法律英语的汉译[J];海外英语;2011年06期

3 季益广;法律英语的文体特点及英译技巧[J];中国科技翻译;1999年04期

4 林小芹;;纽马克论交际翻译与语义翻译[J];中国翻译;1987年01期

5 王宗炎;;纽马克论翻译理论和翻译技巧[J];中国翻译;1982年01期

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