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发布时间:2019-04-25 21:06
【摘要】:自20世纪60年代以后二语习得逐步成长为一门独立的学科,二语研究学者研究的视角逐步从关注语言本身到关注语言学习者语言再到关注学习者个体差异。Labov(1966)关注语言学习的异质性,并首次通过实验证实社会等级对学习者的语言使用有显著影响;Dulay和Burt(1977)提出情感过滤说,关注情感因素对语言学习过程的影响;此后,二语学者开始从更多的维度和深度研究学习者情感因素对语言学习的影响。其中,情感焦虑被普遍视为导致学习者个体差异的重要变量之一。至1986年,Elaine K.Horwitz,Michael B.Horwitz和Joann Cope提出了“外语课堂焦虑”后,国内外学者围绕外语课堂焦虑进行了一系列相关研究,内容涉及听说读写四个方面以及输入输出两个维度,取得了丰硕成果。然而,这些研究仍然拘泥于传统的简化主义理论,单纯地运用线性因果关系将导致外语课堂焦虑的原因看作独立的因子。20世纪末美国语言学家Larsen-Freeman(1997)首次将动态系统理论引入二语习得研究领域,指出语言习得不再遵循长期占据统治地位的简化理论所倡导的线性的因果联系,而是一个动态的、复杂的、非线性的过程。为二语习得及学习者个体差异研究提供了新的视角和理论依据。基于以上研究背景,本文以动态系统理论为理论依据和方法论,运用个人动态法的研究设计,并结合量表(包括外语课堂焦虑量表和状态-特质焦虑量表)、课堂录像与观察、刺激性回忆、Anion Variable Tester软件及个人访谈等研究工具对山东省某高校英语专业大二学生的外语课堂焦虑在课堂听、说、读、写、译五项活动中的发展进行实证研究和分析,并且从中选取5名受试作为分析对象。研究结果表明,英语专业大学生的外语课堂焦虑在五种课堂活动中存在动态变化。其中在听、说活动中,学生的交际恐惧主要控制着整个外语课堂焦虑系统;在读、译活动中,学生的负面评价恐惧主导整个外语课堂焦虑系统的发展变化;而在写作活动中,学生的考试焦虑主导整个外语课堂焦虑系统的发展变化。因此,学生的整个外语课堂焦虑系统随其控制子系统的变化而呈现动态变化;而动态子系统的交替变化是由于课堂活动类型的变化所导致的。此外,在完成同一活动过程中,由于学生的个体差异(具体表现为学习动机、性格)及其外语课堂焦虑的初始状态(每项课堂活动开始时的焦虑状态)不同,以致产生不同程度的外语课堂焦虑。再次表明动态系统理论对于研究学生外语课堂焦虑具有理论上的优势和方法上的可靠性。
[Abstract]:Since the 1960s, second language acquisition has grown into an independent discipline. The perspective of SLA scholars is gradually from focusing on language itself to language learners and then on individual differences. Labov (1966) focuses on the heterogeneity of language learning. For the first time, it is proved that social grade has a significant effect on learners' language use through experiments. Dulay and Burt (1977) put forward the theory of affective filtering, which focuses on the influence of affective factors on language learning. Since then, second language scholars have begun to study the influence of affective factors on language learning from more dimensions and depth. Among them, affective anxiety is generally regarded as one of the important variables that lead to learners' individual differences. By 1986, after Elaine K. Horwitz, Michael B.Horwitz and Joann Cope proposed "Foreign language classroom anxiety", scholars at home and abroad have carried out a series of related studies on foreign language classroom anxiety, covering four aspects of listening, speaking, reading and writing, and two dimensions of input and output. Fruitful results have been achieved. However, these studies are still confined to the traditional minimalist theory. Larsen-Freeman (1997), an American linguist at the end of the 20th century, first introduced the theory of dynamic systems into the research field of second language acquisition (SLA). It is pointed out that language acquisition no longer follows the linear causal relationship advocated by the long-term dominant simplification theory, but is a dynamic, complex and nonlinear process. It provides a new perspective and theoretical basis for the study of second language acquisition and learners' individual differences. Based on the above research background, this paper takes the dynamic system theory as the theoretical basis and methodology, applies the research design of the individual dynamic method, and combines the scale (including the Foreign language classroom anxiety scale and the State-trait anxiety scale), classroom video and observation. This paper makes an empirical study and analysis on the development of foreign language classroom anxiety of freshmen majoring in English in Shandong Province in five activities: listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating, using stimulating recall, Anion Variable Tester software and personal interviews and other research tools. Five subjects were selected as the object of analysis. The results show that there are dynamic changes in foreign language classroom anxiety among English majors in five classroom activities. In listening and speaking activities, students' communicative fear mainly controls the whole foreign language classroom anxiety system, while in reading and translation activities, students' fear of negative evaluation dominates the development and change of the whole foreign language classroom anxiety system; In writing activities, students' test anxiety dominates the development and change of the whole foreign language classroom anxiety system. Therefore, the students' whole foreign language classroom anxiety system changes dynamically with the change of its control subsystem, and the alternation of the dynamic subsystem is caused by the change of classroom activity type. In addition, in the process of completing the same activity, due to the students' individual differences (specific performance of learning motivation, personality) and the initial state of foreign language classroom anxiety (anxiety state at the beginning of each classroom activity) is different. Resulting in varying degrees of foreign language classroom anxiety. Thirdly, it is shown that the dynamic system theory has theoretical advantages and methodological reliability for the study of students' foreign language classroom anxiety.


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