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发布时间:2019-04-26 00:28
【摘要】:本文是一篇英译汉翻译实践报告。翻译实践的原文选自苏格兰作家罗丝玛丽·格雷(Rosemary Gray)所著的《苏格兰神话与传说》。本报告在彼得·纽马克(Peter Newmmark)的语义翻译和交际翻译理论指导下,深入分析了翻译实践过程中遇到的难点,探讨如何提高译者的文学作品翻译能力。本报告包括五个部分:第一部分为翻译任务介绍,对此次翻译任务的目的、文本内容及意义进行了介绍。第二部分描述了整个翻译过程,即:译前准备、翻译过程以及译后校对。第三部分介绍理论,笔者详细解读了语义翻译和交际翻译理论。第四部分为案例分析,笔者在语义和交际理论的指导下分别从词汇、句子以及语篇三个层面对翻译过程中遇到的难点进行了案例分析。最后一部分是总结,包括笔者在此次翻译实践中的感悟和反思。通过《苏格兰神话与传说》翻译实践及撰写研究报告,笔者探讨行之有效的文学作品翻译策略,以期提高自身的翻译能力和水平,也希望能为同道中人提供些许借鉴,帮助读者更好地了解苏格兰文学和文化。
[Abstract]:This paper is an English-to-Chinese translation practice report. The source text of translation practice is selected from Scottish Myth and Legend by Scottish writer Rosemary Gray (Rosemary Gray). Under the guidance of Peter Newmark (Peter Newmmark) 's theory of semantic translation and communicative translation, this paper analyzes the difficulties encountered in translation practice and discusses how to improve the translator's translation ability of literary works. This report consists of five parts: the first part is an introduction to the translation task, including the purpose, content and significance of the translation task. The second part describes the whole translation process, that is, pre-translation preparation, translation process and post-translation proofreading. The third part introduces the theory of semantic translation and communicative translation. The fourth part is a case study. Under the guidance of semantic and communicative theories, the author makes a case study of the difficulties encountered in the translation process from three aspects: vocabulary, sentence and discourse. The last part is a summary, including the author's understanding and reflection in the translation practice. Through the translation practice and writing the research report of the Scottish Myth and Legend, the author discusses the effective translation strategies of literary works in order to improve their translation ability and level, and also hopes to provide some reference for the Chinese in the same way. Help readers to better understand Scottish literature and culture.


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2 原虹;论语义翻译和交际翻译[J];中国科技翻译;2003年02期

3 仲伟合;访英国著名翻译理论家皮特·纽马克[J];语言与翻译;1998年02期

4 刘树森;;纽马克的翻译批评理论简析[J];中国翻译;1992年02期

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