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发布时间:2019-04-26 06:24
【摘要】:是一种独特的语类,有特殊的交际目的和交际目标。它高度浓缩、短小精悍,能够让读者快速高效地了解学术论文的主要内容。近年来,该语类受到了学界的广泛关注,其涵盖领域已涉及人文社会科学,工程技术科学,医学,农业与自然科学等多个学科。然而,教育类特别是教育技术类摘要的语类研究还是一个薄弱环节。在此背景下,本文基于语类分析理论,对中外教育技术类论文英文摘要进行对比研究,试图探究以下问题:(1)中外教育技术类英文摘要典型语步模式是什么?(2)中外教育技术类英文摘要语步在宏观和微观方面有何异同?为解决以上问题,本研究选取2014-2016年间中外教育技术类摘要各180篇,自建小型中外教育技术类英文摘要语料库。语料来源于6个权威期刊,其中包括3个国内期刊(现代教育技术,中国电化教育,外语电化教学)和3个英文期刊(英国教育技术杂志,教育技术与社会,计算机与教育)。基于Santos的五语步模型并借助UAM Corpus Tool及AntConc对语料进行定量定性分析,探索摘要的宏观语步特征及摘要高频词块在各语步的分布情况。研究发现:(1)两个语料库中,英文期刊语料的典型语步模式为定位研究—呈现研究—描述研究方法—展示研究成果—讨论,国内期刊语料的语步模式为定位研究—呈现研究—展示研究成果。国外期刊教育技术类英文摘要的各个语步分布较为均匀,在语料库中的出现频率都高于70%。而国内期刊教育技术类英文摘要3个语步(定位研究语步,展现研究语步及讨论语步)的分布频率较高,方法和结果语步比例较低其中结果语步仅占43.3%。(2)通过检索摘要中的高频三字、四字词块及其在各语步的分布发现,as well as,of this study,in this paper,the purpose of,the purpose of this,this study is,in order to,the results of,results suggest that,results show that,results showed that在英文期刊摘要中出现频率较高,常用来表示展示研究语步及结果语步的交际目的;而国内期刊摘要的语步识别相对模糊,明确表示交际目的的词块相对较少,只有in this paper,as well as,in order to词块明确展现研究语步的交际目的。研究表明,为改进摘要写作质量更好地展示研究成果,中国学者应注意改进摘要的宏观结构以及实现各语步的词汇语法特征。注重方法和结果语步的比例,尝试以五语步(定位研究-呈现研究-描述研究方法-展示研究成果-讨论)的线性序列组织摘要并采用更多的词块使各个语步的交际目的更为明确。此外,为提高学生写作水平,教师应该帮助学生了解如何在语篇建构方面采用一定策略达到特定的交际目的。在教学过程中可采取摘要写作作为写作实践,并鼓励学生采用一定的词块彰显各个语步的功能,这对提高他们的写作语言的流畅性也是非常有帮助的。如上所述,本研究取得了一定的研究成果,对以后的摘要研究及学术写作有一定的启示意义。但是由于有限的人力、物力,本项摘要研究只集中于教育技术领域。尽管摘要的交际目的本质上相同,但不同类型不同学科的摘要可以有不同的发展阶段和不同的语步结构和功能,语步结构会因不同文化和不同语言而存在差异。因此,更多学科和不同语言文化的摘要需要进一步研究。
[Abstract]:It is a unique class, with special communicative purpose and communication goal. It is highly concentrated and short, and can make the reader know the main content of the academic paper quickly and efficiently. In recent years, the class has been widely concerned by the academic circle, and it covers many subjects such as the humanities and social sciences, engineering science, medicine, agriculture and natural science. However, the study of the type of education, especially the abstract of educational technology, is still a weak link. In this background, this paper makes a comparative study on the English abstract of Chinese and foreign education technical papers based on the theory of language-based analysis, and tries to explore the following problems: (1) What is the typical Chinese-English abstract model of the Chinese and foreign education technical English abstract? (2) What are the similarities and differences in the macro and micro aspects of the English abstract of the Chinese and foreign educational technology? In order to solve the above problems,180 articles of the Chinese and foreign educational and technical summary are selected from 2014 to 2016, and the English abstract corpus of the small and foreign educational technology classes is self-built. The corpus is derived from six authoritative journals, including 3 domestic journals (modern educational technology, Chinese electrical education, foreign language teaching) and three English-language journals (British Journal of Education and Technology, Educational Technology and Society, Computer and Education). Based on the five-language step model of Santos and the quantitative analysis of the corpus by means of the UAM Mobius Tool and the AntConc, the macro-language step character of the abstract and the distribution of the high-frequency word block in each step are explored. The research has found that: (1) In two corpora, the typical language step pattern of the English journal material is the research and presentation of the research and presentation of the research and presentation of the study method, and the language step pattern of the domestic journal material is the research and presentation of the research and presentation of the localization research. The distribution of the English abstract of the foreign periodical education is more uniform, and the frequency of occurrence in the corpus is higher than 70%. At the same time, the distribution frequency of the English abstract of the domestic periodical education technology is higher, the proportion of the method and the result is lower, and the result is only 43.3%. (2) By searching the high-frequency three-word and the four-word block in the abstract and the distribution of each step, as well, of this, in this paper, in order of, the first of this, this studis, in order to, the results of, results, and results show that, The results of the results are higher in the English journal abstract, which are commonly used to show the communicative purpose of displaying the study language and the results; while the speech recognition of the domestic journal abstract is relatively vague, and the number of words that express the purpose of the communication is relatively small, only in this paper, as well as, The in order to word block clearly shows the communicative purpose of the study. The research shows that the Chinese scholars should pay attention to improving the macro-structure of the abstract and the lexical and grammatical features of each step in order to improve the quality of the writing. Focus on the proportion of the method and the result language, try to organize the summary of the linear sequence of five-step (localization research-presentation research-description research method-display the research results-discuss) and adopt more word blocks to make the communicative purpose of each step more clear. In addition, in order to improve the students' writing ability, the teacher should help the students understand how to use a certain strategy to achieve the specific communicative purpose in the context of discourse construction. In the course of teaching, a summary writing can be taken as the writing practice, and the students are encouraged to use a certain number of words to highlight the function of each step, which is very helpful to improve the fluency of their writing language. As mentioned above, this study has obtained some research results, and has some implications for future research and academic writing. However, due to limited human and material resources, the research of this summary is focused on the technical field of education. Although the communicative purpose of the abstract is the same in nature, the abstract of different subjects of different types can have different stages of development and different structure and function. As a result, a summary of more subjects and cultures of different languages needs to be further studied.


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