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发布时间:2019-05-22 23:59
【摘要】:本文是小说Sick Heart River(《枯竭的心河》)英译汉翻译实践报告。Sick Heart River是John Buchan(约翰·巴肯)于1941年以Mountain Meaddow(《山地草甸》)为名发表的作品,笔者从中选取了前六章进行翻译。作者John Buchan是苏格兰小说家及政治家,曾任加拿大总督,他的作品多以战争、冒险和传记为主。文学作品多以塑造人物形象为中心,小说中的故事情节围绕人物形象得以展开,而人物形象则通过人物的语言、动作和心理描写得到塑造。在小说文本翻译中,译者必须再现原文中的人物形象,才能在译文中尽可能得还原。笔者在尤金·奈达“功能对等”理论指导下,完成了本文翻译实践部分,在此基础上,对人物的语言、动作及心理描写的翻译进行深入分析,重点探讨如何在译文中再现人物形象。本报告共分五个章节,分别是翻译文本简介、文本翻译过程描述、翻译理论依据及翻译难点、文本案例分析和实践总结。第四章为文本案例分析,主要在尤金·奈达“功能对等”理论指导下,从词汇、句法、语篇对等方面对文本中的人物对话、动作及心理描写进行深入分析,并结合翻译方法,如:直译、意译、增译、减译,找到解决方案,谋求最佳翻译效果,以再现原文中的人物形象。通过实践,译者认为在翻译实践中,应当重点把握源语言的文体特征,遵循语义和风格的对等,尽可能忠实地实现译文与原文的对等。
[Abstract]:This paper is a practical report on the translation of the novel Sick Heart River (into Chinese. Ick Heart River was published in the name of Mountain Meaddow (Mountain Meadow) in 1941. The author selects the first six chapters for translation. John Buchan is a Scottish novelist and statesman and a former governor of Canada. Most of his works are based on war, adventure and biographies. Most of the literary works focus on shaping the character image, the story plot in the novel can be carried out around the character image, and the character image can be shaped through the language, action and psychological description of the character. In the translation of novel text, the translator must reproduce the characters in the original text in order to restore it as much as possible. Under the guidance of Eugene Nida's theory of functional equivalence, the author completes the translation practice of this thesis. On this basis, the author makes an in-depth analysis of the translation of the language, action and psychological description of the characters. This paper focuses on how to reproduce the characters in the translation. This report is divided into five chapters, namely, a brief introduction to the translation text, a description of the translation process, the theoretical basis and difficulties of translation, the case analysis of the text and the summary of practice. The fourth chapter is the case study of the text, mainly under the guidance of Eugene Nida's "functional equivalence" theory, which makes an in-depth analysis of the dialogue, action and psychological description of the characters in the text from the aspects of vocabulary, syntax and discourse correspondence, and combines with the translation methods. For example: literal translation, free translation, additional translation, subtractive translation, find a solution, seek the best translation effect, in order to reproduce the characters in the original text. Through practice, the translator believes that in translation practice, the stylistic features of the source language should be grasped, the semantic and stylistic equivalence should be followed, and the equivalence between the target text and the original text should be realized faithfully as much as possible.


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3 杨大,




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