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发布时间:2019-05-24 16:08
【摘要】:在前人研究中,非流利现象被认为是探索翻译中的认知过程的一扇窗口,然而针对英汉视译产出文本中非流利现象的研究却相对缺乏。本研究试图探索学生译员英汉视译产出中出现的非流利型式的频率、时长、特点和产生原因,尤其是探寻两组处于不同口译训练阶段的学生译员视译时的非流利型式,以及每组被试内二语水平的差异如何影响非流利型式。本研究邀请了58位翻译专业的大三学生和40位会议翻译专业的研究生参与英译中视译实验,并对被试的视译产出内容进行录音。并且所有被试都参与了Oxford QPT测验(Oxford Quick Placement Test)以测试其英语水平。作者对视译口语产出实验数据进行编码,将非流利现象划分为结构停顿、迟疑停顿、有声停顿、重复、词汇修正和句法修正。学生译员英汉视译研究结果表明:(1)学生译员最常见的三类非流利现象是迟疑停顿、结构停顿和有声停顿,这一结果可能表明学生译员为不平衡双语者;并且,学生译员的迟疑停顿出现频率比结构停顿高,结构停顿出现时长比迟疑停顿长,这一结果可能反映了不平衡双语者视译时如何处理语块;(2)口译水平更高的学生译员比新手学生译员产出的非流利现象更少,时间更短,其翻译更为流利,这一结果反映了口译训练能够降低学生译员视译时的非流利现象出现频率,提高流畅度,这一结果符合直觉推断;(3)在新手学生译员中,Oxford QPT分数与迟疑停顿次数、有声停顿次数和时间负相关,即二语水平较高的新手学生译员的视译口语产出中,迟疑停顿和有声停顿更少,有声停顿时间更短;在口译水平较高的学生译员中,Oxford QPT分数与结构停顿时长和词汇修正次数正相关,即在二语水平较高的高口译水平学生译员的视译产出中,结构停顿时间更长,词汇修正更多。这些发现反映了对于在不同口译训练阶段的学生译员,二语水平和口译训练的相关性并不一致。实验结论揭示了在口语产出的非流利现象方面,不同口译训练阶段的学生译员是如何进行视译的,反过来这些发现对口译教学也有一定启发。口译教师应该提高学生译员对自身口译产出中非流利现象的敏感性,加强学生译员基本语言能力培养,如扩大词汇积累,提高双语转换能力等。同时提醒口译水平和二语水平均较高的学生要同时兼顾翻译的准确性和流利性。
[Abstract]:In previous studies, non-fluency is considered to be a window to explore the cognitive process in translation, but the study of non-fluency in English-Chinese visual translation is relatively scarce. This study attempts to explore the frequency, duration, characteristics and causes of non-fluency patterns in English-Chinese visual translation output of student interpreters, especially the non-fluency patterns of two groups of student interpreters in different stages of interpretation training. And how the difference of second language level in each group affected the non-fluency pattern. In this study, 58 junior students majoring in translation and 40 graduate students majoring in conference translation were invited to participate in the Chinese translation experiment, and the visual output of the subjects was recorded. And all the subjects took part in the Oxford QPT test (Oxford Quick Placement Test) to test their English proficiency. The author encodes the experimental data of oral output in visual translation, and divides the non-fluent phenomena into structural pauses, hesitant pauses, acoustic pauses, repeats, lexical amendments and syntactic amendments. The results of English-Chinese visual translation of student interpreters show that: (1) the three most common non-fluency phenomena of student interpreters are hesitant pause, structural pause and audible pause, which may indicate that student interpreters are unbalanced bilingual; Moreover, the frequency of hesitant pauses of student interpreters is higher than that of structural pauses, and the duration of structural pauses is longer than that of hesitant pauses, which may reflect how to deal with lexical chunks in unbalanced bilinguals. (II) Student interpreters with higher levels of interpretation produce less fluency than novice student interpreters, with shorter periods of time and more fluent translation, This result reflects that interpretation training can reduce the frequency of non-fluency and improve the fluency of student interpreters, which is in accordance with intuitive inference. (3) among novice student interpreters, the, Oxford QPT score is negatively correlated with the number of hesitation pauses, the number of audio pauses and the time, that is to say, there are fewer hesitant pauses and audio pauses in the oral output of visual translation of novice student interpreters with higher second language proficiency. The pause time of sound is shorter; In the students with higher interpretation level, the, Oxford QPT score is positively correlated with the length of structural pause and the number of lexical amendments, that is to say, the structural pause time is longer and the vocabulary correction is more in the interpretation output of high interpretation level students with higher second language level. These findings reflect the inconsistency between second language proficiency and interpretation training for student interpreters at different stages of interpretation training. The experimental results reveal how student interpreters at different stages of interpretation training can interpret the phenomenon of non-fluency in oral English production, and these findings are also instructive to the teaching of interpretation. Interpretation teachers should improve the sensitivity of student interpreters to non-fluency in their own interpretation output, and strengthen the cultivation of basic language skills of student interpreters, such as expanding vocabulary accumulation, improving bilingual conversion ability and so on. At the same time, students with high level of interpretation and second language should take into account the accuracy and fluency of translation at the same time.


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1 仲伟合;英汉同声传译技巧与训练[J];中国翻译;2001年05期




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