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发布时间:2019-05-29 14:19
[Abstract]:China Daily is the only national English daily in China at present. It is a window for China to the outside world, and its political reporting column is dominated by major current events in China. The content is closely in line with the national conditions of our country. The language of the political news report in China Daily is authentic and fluent. As a special English variant, its lexical features are obviously more distinctive. Then it is of great significance for us to study the stylistic features of political news vocabulary in China Daily. In this study, all the news reports from 2013 to 2015 were downloaded from the GovernmentPolitics subcolumn of the official website of China Daily as the corpus for the establishment of the political News Corpus of China Daily, with a total of 6816 news articles, about 2.6 million characters. This paper adopts the method of combining quantitative and qualitative research, based on the small political news corpus of China Daily, and takes COCA as the reference corpus. Under the framework of vocabulary theory, the vocabulary size, vocabulary density and word frequency are discussed. This paper analyzes the lexical features of English political news in China Daily from the aspects of parts of speech. The results show that compared with COCA, the vocabulary of English political news in China Daily is smaller, which indicates that its vocabulary is not as diverse as COCA. In terms of lexical density, the lexical density of the political News Corpus of China Daily is smaller than that of COCA, which is due to the fact that COCA, as an ordinary English corpus, involves all aspects of information, so the vocabulary of COCA is more abundant and diverse. By comparing the first 50 high frequency words of the two corpus, it is found that most of the overlapping high frequency words in the two corpus are functional words. However, there are more real words in the political news corpus of China Daily, especially the proper nouns and acronyms that can reflect the characteristics of Chinese politics and society. In the aspect of parts of speech, nouns are the most used in the political news of China Daily, and adjectives are used far more than verbs, which is due to the need to use more nouns to convey more information in the compilation of political news. In addition, based on stylistic theory, this study studies the vocabulary of political news in China Daily from four aspects: nouns, verbs, short words and new words, and finds the following characteristics: 1, a large number of proper nouns are used. Acronyms and multiple noun modifiers can save news space and convey a lot of information to readers at the same time. 2. Said is the most frequently used verb, and the verb voice in news title tends to adopt active voice; 3, short words are widely used in news title and text; 4, new words emerge in endlessly, and more words are made by compound method. In addition, the use of Chinese character pinyin as an English loanwords is a major feature of political news writing in China Daily. This study enriches the stylistic features of English political news vocabulary in China Daily. The results of this study are helpful for English learners to understand the lexical usage characteristics of English political news, so as to read English political news more efficiently and criticize the advantages and disadvantages of current politics. In addition, this paper can provide specific research strategies and guidance for publicity translators, provide reference for how to standardize the use of words in publicity materials, and provide fresh examples for English teaching and the cultivation of English translation talents.


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