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发布时间:2019-06-18 20:52
[Abstract]:This paper, using the "Understanding, expression and trade-off" framework, analyzes the first English and Chinese translation work of a university in Beijing. This paper sums up the general mistakes of the translation of the students, and puts forward the corresponding strategies for all kinds of errors. In this school, the material selection of the course of this school is based on non-literary texts, and the students are encouraged to fully investigate and understand the original text. In this paper, it is clear that the non-literary works are non-fiction works which emphasize the information and the fact, and according to the characteristics of the non-literary works, it is clear that the translation standard is the "accurate" and the "Tong Shun". In this paper, it is found that the problem is most common by comparing the students' translation. The understanding of the problem, on the one hand, is reflected in the lack of background knowledge; on the other hand, it is reflected in the lack of language. Background knowledge can be complemented by investigation and research. In addition to improving the English level, it is especially important to pay attention to the understanding of the meaning of the English pronouns, the modified object and the specific words. The expression problem is mainly reflected in the restriction of the original text, and there is no full "dehulling", especially in the structure of the pronoun, the article and the sentence. The problem of trade-off is mainly reflected in the small unit of the translation of the students, the original and the back of the original text and the emphasis of the information, the translation is not to be processed. In order to make sure that the translation is accurate, in addition to the language ability, it should also improve the thinking ability, and critically examine the original text and understand the original text accurately. In order to ensure the translation of the translated text, the translator should strengthen the rational understanding of the difference between the Chinese and English, and then comb the translation.


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