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发布时间:2019-08-09 06:46
【摘要】:对话句法理论是Du Bois(2014)提出的会话分析理论,旨在考察会话中的语言、认知和互动过程。对话句法作为该领域最新的理论,是从认知功能的视角进行的探索。本文旨在对对话句法理论进行全面的综述和介绍,包括其基本主张和核心概念,如平行、共鸣、跨句图谱、重现、选择、对比、类比等。介绍Du Bois提出对话句法的四个动因,以及对相关质疑的回应。对话句法有很大的发展潜力和广泛的应用领域,但也面临着自身的一些缺陷。
[Abstract]:The theory of dialogue syntax is a theory of conversation analysis put forward by Du Bois (2014). The purpose of this theory is to investigate the process of language, cognition and interaction in conversation. As the latest theory in this field, dialogue syntax is an exploration from the perspective of cognitive function. The purpose of this paper is to summarize and introduce the theory of dialogue syntax, including its basic ideas and core concepts, such as parallelism, resonance, cross-sentence atlas, reproduction, selection, comparison, analogy and so on. This paper introduces the four motivations of Du Bois's dialogue syntax and the response to related questions. Dialogue syntax has great potential for development and a wide range of application fields, but it also faces some defects of its own.
【作者单位】: 北京师范大学外文学院;


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