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发布时间:2017-03-29 12:22


【关键词】:英语公开课 问题 态度 发展
  • Acknowledgements5-6
  • Abstract6-9
  • 摘要9-14
  • Chapter One Introduction14-18
  • 1.1 Background of the Study14-15
  • 1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study15-16
  • 1.3 Structure of the Study16-18
  • Chapter Two Literature Review18-37
  • 2.1 General Understanding of Demonstration Classes in China18-25
  • 2.1.1 History of Demonstration Classes18-21
  • 2.1.2 Definitions and Types of Demonstration Classes21-22
  • 2.1.3 Functions and Values of Demonstration Classes22-24
  • 2.1.4 Problems Existing in Demonstration Classes24-25
  • 2.2 General Understanding of Demonstration Class Abroad25-30
  • 2.3 Theoretical Basis of Demonstration Classes30-35
  • 2.3.1 Attitude30-31
  • 2.3.2 Theory of Constructivism31-34
  • 2.3.3 Theory of Teacher Professional Development34-35
  • 2.4 Limitations of Previous Studies35-37
  • Chapter Three Research Methodology37-45
  • 3.1 Research Questions37
  • 3.2 Participants37-38
  • 3.3 Instrument38-42
  • 3.3.1 Questionnaire Survey39-42
  • 3.4 Data Collection42-43
  • 3.5 Data Analysis43-45
  • Chapter Four Results and Discussion45-60
  • 4.1 Teachers' Attitudes Towards English Demonstration Classes45-51
  • 4.1.1 Teachers' Understanding of English Demonstration Classes45-48
  • 4.1.2 Teachers' Feelings and Behaviors in English Demonstration Classes48-51
  • 4.2 Students' Attitudes Towards English Demonstration Classes51-54
  • 4.2.1 Students' Perceptions on English Demonstration Classes51-53
  • 4.2.2 Students' Feelings of English Demonstration Classes53-54
  • 4.2.3 Students' Behaviors in English Demonstration Classes54
  • 4.3 Problems Existing in English Demonstration Classes54-56
  • 4.4 Influencing Factors in Effective English Demonstration Classes56-60
  • 4.4.1 Students' Negative Attitude to English Demonstration Classes57
  • 4.4.2 Teachers' Utilitarian Purpose57-59
  • 4.4.3 Administrators' Improper Guidance and Backward Regulations59-60
  • Chapter Five Conclusion60-70
  • 5.1 Major Findings and Implications60-68
  • 5.1.1 Teacher and Student Development in English Demonstration Classes60-63
  • 5.1.2 Dual Roles in English Demonstration Classes63-65
  • 5.1.3 Predetermination and Production in English Demonstration Classes65-68
  • 5.2 Limitations of the Study68-69
  • 5.3 Suggestions for Future Study69-70
  • References70-73
  • Appendix One Questionnaires for Students73-76
  • Appendix Two Questionnaires for Teachers76-81


中国期刊全文数据库 前4条

1 ;World's smalles the licopter to fly in da Vinci birthplace[J];新高考(高二版);2008年06期

2 Mohamed Abdel-Monem;Meng Haixing;;Safe Wateron Tap[J];China & Africa;2013年06期

3 Tao Tao;Ai Hong;;Yi Wu——A City Built on Market[J];International Understanding;2012年03期

4 ;[J];;年期

中国重要会议论文全文数据库 前10条

1 ;Unfolding and unfolded states of small Proteins in the Physical Property Space[A];第十一次中国生物物理学术大会暨第九届全国会员代表大会摘要集[C];2009年

2 ;Inspirations of the Sino-Dutch Cooperation Project[A];Renewable Energy Serves the Farmers--Special Reports from the Sino-Dutch Cooperative Project "Promotion of Rural Renewable Energy(RRE) in Western China"[C];2008年

3 ;Design of Demonstration Villages for Integrated Renewable Energy Development in Western China[A];Renewable Energy Serves the Farmers--Special Reports from the Sino-Dutch Cooperative Project "Promotion of Rural Renewable Energy(RRE) in Western China"[C];2008年

4 ;Technology Combination Model and Its Application in Demonstration Village Construction of the Sino-Dutch Cooperation Project[A];Renewable Energy Serves the Farmers--Special Reports from the Sino-Dutch Cooperative Project "Promotion of Rural Renewable Energy(RRE) in Western China"[C];2008年

5 ;On-the-spot Guidance Provision by Experts Ensured the Quality of Project Construction[A];Renewable Energy Serves the Farmers--Special Reports from the Sino-Dutch Cooperative Project "Promotion of Rural Renewable Energy(RRE) in Western China"[C];2008年

6 ;The cost analysis of hydrogen's life cycle in China[A];2008 International Hydrogen Forum Programme and Abstract[C];2008年

7 ;Health Education in Orthopedics Ward[A];中华护理学会健康教育研讨会暨讲习班论文集[C];2000年

8 ;Problem and Countermeasure for Rural Biogas Digester:Taking Denglongba as an Example[A];Renewable Energy Serves the Farmers--Special Reports from the Sino-Dutch Cooperative Project "Promotion of Rural Renewable Energy(RRE) in Western China"[C];2008年

9 ;Network-based In-Vehicle Body Bus Control System[A];Proceedings of 2010 Chinese Control and Decision Conference[C];2010年

10 ;Design and Demonstration of Passive Solar Dwelling Projects in Tianshui of Gansu Province[A];Renewable Energy Serves the Farmers--Special Reports from the Sino-Dutch Cooperative Project "Promotion of Rural Renewable Energy(RRE) in Western China"[C];2008年

中国硕士学位论文全文数据库 前1条

1 聂军玲;初中英语公开课现状研究[D];鲁东大学;2016年





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