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发布时间:2020-10-18 04:59
ChapterⅠ. Introduction
ChapterⅡ. Information About the Survey
    2.1 Introduce to the five foreign affairs offices
    2.2 Significance of the survey
    2.3 Design of the survey
ChapterⅢ. Survey and Analysis
    3.l Survey on translation activities
        3.1.1 Numbers of foreign affairs translation activities
        3.1.2 Forms and categories of foreign affairs translation activities
    3.2 Language distribution
        3.2.1 Language distribution based on targeting countries
        3.2.2 Language distribution based on activities
        3.2.3 Language possession of the five foreign affairs offices
    3.3 Survey on interpreters and translators
        3.3.1 Academic qualifications and professional requirements
        3.3.2. Requirement of professional abilities
    3.4 Survey on translation quality
        3.4.1 Translation quality
        3.4.2 Interpretation quality
        3.4.3 Factors affecting translation quality
    3.5 Survey on prospect of foreign affair translation talents
        3.5.1 Demand of labor quantity
        3.5.2 Foreign affairs office's preference for MTI
ChapterⅣ. Reflection and Result of the Survey
    4.1 Results of Guangxi foreign affairs translation activities
    4.2 Results of language distribution
    4.3 Results of requirements for translators and interpreters
        4.3.1 Combination of translation skills and comprehensive abilities
        4.3.2 Ethic code of foreign affairs translation practice
    4.4 Results of translation quality
    4.5 Results of prospect of foreign affair translation talents
ChapterⅤ. Enlightenment to MTI Education
    5.1 More new curriculum on foreign affairs translation
    5.2 Localization of curriculum content
    5.3 Coordination between school and market
ChapterⅥ. Conclusion
Appendix Ⅰ 广西壮族自治区外事办公室调研表
Appendix Ⅱ 南宁外事办公室调研表
Appendix Ⅲ 钦州外事办公室调研表
Appendix Ⅳ 百色外事办公室调研表
Appendix Ⅴ 桂林外事办公室调研表


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